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getStats is a tiny JavaScript library using WebRTC getStats API to return peer connection stats i.e. bandwidth usage, packets lost, local/remote ip addresses and ports, type of connection etc.

Results 22 getStats issues
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The current Chrome implementation is RTCPeerConnection.getStats with info here: Mozilla uses the RTCStatsReport interface that provides a variety of RTC connection information and is documented here:

I have an issue with getStats on firefox 39: getStats return promise with status rejected and reason TypeError

It looks like the default demo will show us the same video/audio sources between peer1/peer2. Then how to separate local/remote sources differently in getStats demo?

it's not work when i import the apapter.js

Hi, in firefox it does not work. Got error "Not enough arguments to mozRTCPeerConnection.getStats". Error fires on line 155

On invoking the window.getStats function, the error maximum call stack exceeded is thrown. Code: ``` function callback (r) { console.log(r.bandwidth.speed); } console.log(window.getStats); window.getStats(mediaStream.getTracks()[0], callback, 2000); ```

Fixes following issue

Polluting the `window` object with the `getStats` method shouldn't be necessary when module.exports is available. Instead just export the function. This will help users who bundle their javascript with tools...

For the love of god i am trying for days to get roundTripTime on firefox and yet only jitter in available. Any reason for this? Your help will be much...