termatus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
termatus copied to clipboard

A system status UI, for your Terminal. Written in Python


Terminal system status viewer

Inspired by bpytop

MAJOR DISCLAIMER: this is intended to be used on 1920 x 1080 screens ONLY, anything else and it is bound to break


A system information and status viewer, similiar to those you see in the H4CK3R movies. Except this isnt all green on black with random matrix rain. It actually shows some useful information


I recently had discovered about the amazing Rich library, and was looking for things to make with it. And I just so happened to stumble across bpytop, which was mind-blowing. I know mine does'nt come as close, but I really think for a first project it turned out nice

Cool. What does it show?📈❓

  • Your basic PC information (OS, System, all that)
  • Your CPU information (model, cores, etc.)
  • Your CPU stats (used (%), speeds, time)
  • The current running processes, although not all of it, only 6 to 7
  • Your internet information (IP address, your current location etc.)
  • Your internet stats (bytes, packets, loss)
  • Your memory a.k.a disks information (names, mount points)
  • Your disks' memory stats
  • Your RAM stats (used, available)

OK, so what's special about mine❓

  1. Well, unlike bpytop which only works on Linux, mine can actually work on Windows as well 😎. But mine still is very very lacking in UI/UX😅
  2. I also am a weeb, so you know...
  3. Mine is also more 'vibrant' I guess
  4. You also have a whole lot of ASCII art to choose from to add in the pic display. Plus, you can add your own! Just make sure it fits

How to run❓

-Clone this repo on your machine by

git clone https://github.com/muaaz-ur-habibi/termatus.git

-cd into the two termatus folders
-Run the command

python main.py

to run the script

How does it look like❓

Here's a screenshot: