Maarten Trekels
Maarten Trekels
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | ObjectGroup | | **Label** | Collection Status History | | **Definition** | A record of current and past statuses...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | | | **Label** | Address | | **Definition** | A physical postal address for an organisational unit or person....
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Label** | Location Description | | **Definition** | Short textual description of the storage location of the group of items |...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | ObjectGroup | | **Label** | Storage Location | | **Definition** | A physical location (such as a building, room,...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Label** | Scheme Name | | **Definition** | A short descriptive name given to the CollectionDescriptionScheme. | | **Usage** | |...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Label** | IdentifierValue | | **Definition** | An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. | | **Usage** |...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | ObjectGroup | | **Label** | Record Level | | **Definition** | The machine-actionable information profile for the collection description...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | | | **Label** | Object Group | | **Definition** | An intentionally grouped set of objects with one or...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Parent** | | | **Label** | Collection Description Scheme | | **Definition** | A grouping of multiple ObjectGroups for a particular...
| | | | ---- | ---- | | **Label** | Rights Holder | | **Definition** | A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource. | |...