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Code for "Spinning Up a Pong AI With Deep RL" on FloydHub.
Spinning Up a Pong AI With Deep Reinforcement Learning
Note: These are the Jupyter Notebooks for my article Spinning Up a Pong AI With Deep Reinforcement Learning on FloydHub.
Within a few years, Deep Reinforcement Learning will completely transform robotics, an industry with the potential to automate 64 percent of manufacturing. Hard-to-engineer behaviors will become a piece of cake, so long as there are enough Deep RL practitioners to implement them.
The following notebooks (file ending with .ipynb) detail how to train a model in Keras that plays the game of Pong using simple Policy Gradient techniques:
Files overview
#Main notebooks
|train.ipynb #Main notebook to train the Pong agent in Keras
|train-with-log.ipynb #Same as above but with tensorflow logs and model saving/loading
#Demo notebooks
|demo.ipynb #Simple notebook to generate a gif with a random model
|demo_black_and_white.ipynb #Same as above but generate the gif for the pre-processed frame diff
|support.py #To support the gif generation
|easy_tf_log.py #Tool to easily plot variable
|karpathy.py #Functions used in karpathy's original RL Pong post
#FloydHub specific
|floyd.yml #Tells what to execute when launching a job
|floyd_requirements.txt #Necessary packages to install
#Trained weights
|my_model_weights.h5 #Saved weights after training
Demo of random agent
Gif generated with demo.ipynb
Gif generated with demo_black_and_white.ipynb
Pre-processed frames in black and white
Run the code on FloydHub
Click the above blue button to open a Workspace on FloydHub where you will find the same environment.
pip install keras gym jupyter
git clone https://github.com/mtrazzi/spinning-up-a-Pong-AI-with-deep-RL
cd spinning-up-a-Pong-AI-with-deep-RL
jupyter notebook
Go do the desired notebook, files that end with '.ipynb'. To run the model, go to the menu then click on Cell > Run all
- Karpathy's code and blogpost for the neural network architecture, pre-processing and training methods
- mrahtz's easy-tf-log and tensorflow pong implementation
- FloydHub's gym-retro template for the gif generation