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The Tensorflow code and a DeepMind Lab wrapper for my article "Meta-Reinforcement Learning" on FloydHub.

Harlow Task

DISCLAIMER⚠ This is the git submodule for the Harlow task for my article Meta-Reinforcement Learning on FloydHub.

  • For the main repository for the Harlow task (with more information about the task) see here.
  • For the two-step task see here.

To get started, check out the parent


I answer questions and give more informations here:

Directory structure

├──                 # main file that implements the DeepMind Lab wrapper, processes the frames and run the trainings, initializing a DeepMind Lab environment.
└── meta_rl
    ├──             # implements the class `Worker`, that contains the method `work` to collect training data and `train` to train the networks on this training data.
    └──         # implements the class `AC_Network`, where we initialize all the networks & the loss function.


  • master: for this branch, the frames are pre-processed, on a dataset of 42 pictures of students from 42 (cf. the FloydHub blog for more details). Our model achieved 40% performance on this simplified version of the Harlow task.



  • monothread2pixel: here, we used for our dataset only a black image and a white image. We pre-processed those two images so our agent only sees a one-hot, that is either [0,1] or [1,0]. Here is the resulting reward curve after training:


  • multiprocessing: I implemented multiprocessing using Python’s library multiprocessing. However, it appeared that Tensorflow doesn’t allow to use multiprocessing after having imported tensorflow, so that multiprocessing branch came to a dead end.

  • ray: we also tried multiprocessing with ray another multiprocessing library. However, it didn’t work out because DeepMind was not pickable, i.e. it couldn’t be serialized using pickle.


On branch master:

  • [ ] train with more episodes (for instance 20-50k) to see if some seeds keep learning.
  • [ ] train with different seeds, to see if some seeds can reach > 40% performance.
  • [ ] train with more units in the LSTM (for instance > 100 instead of 48), to see if it can keep learning after 10k episodes.
  • [ ] train with more images (for instance 1000).

For multi-threading (e.g. in dev):

  • [ ] support for distributed tensorflow on multiple GPUs.
  • [ ] get rid of CPython's global interpreter lock by connecting Tensorflow's C API with DeepMind Lab C API.

For multiprocessing:

  • [ ] in multiprocessing branch, try to import tensorflow after the multiprocessing calls.
  • [ ] in ray, try to make the DeepMind Lab environment pickable (for instance by looking at how OpenAI made their physics engine mujoco-py pickable.


  • We support Python3.6.

  • The branch master was tested on FloydHub's instances (using Tensorflow 1.12 and CPU). To change for GPU, change tf.device("/cpu:0") with tf.device("/device:GPU:0") in


All the pip packages should be either installed on FloydHub or installed with

However, if you want to run this repository on your machine, here are the requirements:


Additionally, for the branch ray you might need to do (pip install ray) and for the branch multiprocessing you would need to install multiprocessing with (pip install multiprocessing).


This work uses awjuliani's Meta-RL implementation.

I couldn't have done without my dear friend Kevin Costa, and the additional details provided kindly by Jane Wang.