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Installs Phusion Passenger.


Installs or updates Pushion Passenger.

It will install apache, nginx or standalone modes, depending on passenger_webserver variable value (defaults to standalone).

In the tests folder, there are a set of tests for this role, that will provision a VM using Vagrant and setup a simple hello world app. To use them, cd into the tests/{passenger_webserver}/ and execute vagrant up. At the moment, only apache tests are done.


Assumes that the host is ansible-ready (check mtpereira.common role).

Role Variables

  • passenger_webserver: Specifies the webserver to be used by passenger. Possible values: apache, nginx and standalone. Defaults to standalone.
  • passenger_pkgs_state: Specifies if this role will garantee that the packages are installed or installed and updated. Possible values: installed and latest. Defaults to installed.



Author Information

GitHub project page

Manuel Tiago Pereira