scryer-prolog copied to clipboard
dif/2 used to expose confusion
NOTE: UWN detected that this issue is not dif/2 related. See #2333
Thanks UWN.
Version 0.9.3-214-g70795134-modified
# Note: dif/2 used to provoke the issue
$ scryer-prolog -f
?- use_module(library(dif)).
?- dif(W,V),V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif(W,[[]]). % [[]] fault?
?- dif(V,W),V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif([[]],[[]]). % unexpected
?- dif(V,W), V=[V|x].
V = [V|x], dif:dif([x|x],[x|x]). % should be dif:dif([V|x],W)?
Excellent find! But this is not a problem of the dif/2
but rather of the projection.
?- dif(W,V),V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif(W,[[]]), unexpected.
?- dif(W,V),V=[V], W = [[]].
W = [[]], V = [V]. % perfect
?- dif(W,V),V=[V], W = [W].
false. % perfect!
?- dif(V,W),V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif([[]],[[]]), unexpected.
?- dif(V,W),V=[V], W = [W].
?- dif(V,W),V=[V], W = [].
V = [V], W = [].
So the internal implementation of dif/2
itself maintains the right consistency. It's just the projection which produces these goals.
Note to self: do test copy_term/3
as well...
$ swipl -q # v9.0.4
?- dif([W|[V]],[V|[W]]), V=[[W|V]|X],W=[[V|W]|Y].
W = _S1, % where
_S1 = [[_S2|_S1]|Y],
_S2 = [[_S1|_S2]|X],
V = [[_S1|_S2]|X],
dif(f([[_S1|_S2]|X], Y), f([[_S2|_S1]|Y], X)). % No printing delay
^ ^
% Not sure why dif( f(...), f(...) ) ,
% and how to check whether scryer-prolog does the same:
$ scryer-prolog
?- dif([W|[V]],[V|[W]]), V=[[W|V]|X],W=[[V|W]|Y].
W = [[[[W|V]|X]|W]|Y], V = [[[[V|W]|Y]|V]|X],
% Takes a long time to display (unreadable) dif:dif(...)
For the f
, see #2029
And this is not about constraints at all.
?- findall(G_0s, ( call_residue_vars(( dif([W|[V]],[V|[W]]), V=[[W|V]|X],W=[[V|W]|Y] ), Vs), copy_term(Vs,Vs,G_0s), \+ acyclic_term(G_0s) ), L).
L = ..., loops.
So a term is created that can be copied with findall/3, and still is not representable.
?- dif(V,W), dif(W,V), V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif([[]],[[]]). % missing dif:dif(...) displayed below
?- dif(W,V), dif(V,W), V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif(W,[[]]). % missing dif:dif(...) displayed above
That example does not clarify the situation, after all, recall that
?- dif(V,W), dif(W,V).
?- dif(W,V), dif(V,W).
?- dif(V,W), V\=W.
And this is all intended as is.
Ah,thanks. Unfortunately I've only swipl to compare results, and this seems not very effective. (sorry)
$ swipl -q
?- dif(V,W), dif(W,V).
dif(V, W),
dif(W, V).
swipl to compare results,
That system is incorrect in a manner that Scryer is not. And SWI never was correct for dif/2
Also, rather consider to exploit algebraic properties. Like the commutativity for conjunction of (=)/2
and dif/2
If you want the perfect reference implementation take dif_si/2
which tells you when it is OK, and when it is not (upon instantiation_error
s) — and lest I forget, in general modulo STO-ness.
Ok, thank you. One last scryer (faulty) example:
?- dif(fu(W),fu(V)), V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif(fu(W),fu([[]])).
?- dif(fu(V),fu(W)), V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif(fu([[]]),[[]]). % unexpected
According to the very first example
?- dif(V,W),V=[V].
V = [V], dif:dif([[]],[[]])
dif:dif(fu([[]]),fu([[]])) is expected
dif:dif(fu([[]]),fu([[]])) is expected
Not that is not expected. the first example was incorrect.
Yes. The example refers to functor fu which get lost as well.