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Filled Contour Extends to Edges of PF Plot
What do you want to do? I have a series of partial pole figures, and I wanted to plot them using filled contours. Unfortunately the data from the points with the largest polar angles (tilt) extend out to the boundaries of the plot, which looks a little wrong.
What data do you have?
What code do you use? Please provide minimalist code with code in the following form
%Recommend you assume Triclinic (no) specimen symmetry as a default ('-1')
% 'mmm' is for orthotropic sample symmetry
%Assumed unit cells for FCC and BCC materials. Not really used in your case
CrySym = {...
crystalSymmetry('m-3m', [3.520 3.520 3.520], 'mineral', 'austenite', 'color', 'light blue'),
crystalSymmetry('m-3m', [2.934 2.934 2.934], 'mineral', 'martensite', 'color', 'green')};
fname = ['CrMnFeNi_23_12_20_20_111.txt'];
pf1=loadPoleFigure_generic(fname,'HEADER',5,'degree','ColumnNames',{'polar angle','azimuth angle','intensity'},'Columns',[1 2 3]);
figure(1); plot(pf1);
print('-dpng', '-r300', "PoleFigures_Points.png")
% plot as a filled contour with fixed color range
figure(2); plot(pf1,'contourf','antipodal','smooth'); CLim(gcm,[0, 4]); mtexColorbar
print('-dpng', '-r300', "PoleFigures_FilledContour.png")
What result do you get
Here's the plot as discrete points:
Here's the plot as a filled contour
What result do you expect Is it possible to set a range that the filled contour function will not try to plot over? I'm thinking something similar to the non-convex data sets example in EBSD grain reconstruction (
What MTEX version do you use? Mtex 5.3
Just a hint where the problem may be situated:
this not happen on gridded polefigures such as the ptx dataset (72-by-51) since this check here:
doesn't turn out to be true and the normal contourf()
cuts the data correctly. However it only works on a grid.
In the other case, 'cutOutSide'
in vector3d/interp
should actually take care of that case but doesn't seem to do it right.
Uncommenting this line and comment the previous one gives me the following result which may be better - no idea when we'd need the all()
Cheers, Rüdiger