Burgomaster icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Burgomaster copied to clipboard

Create phars and zips for PHP applications

=========== Burgomaster

Master of towns, burgers, and creating phars and zips for PHP applications.

This script can be used to:

  1. Easily create a staging directory for your package.
  2. Build a class-map autoloader of all of your PHP files.
  3. Create a zip file containing your project, its dependencies, and an autoloader.
  4. Create a phar file that contains all of your project's dependencies and registers an autoloader when it's loaded.

This project will likely never become more than a single file containing a single class, so feel free to just copy and paste that file into your project rather than pulling in a new dependency just for builds.


The following example demonstrates how Guzzle uses this project. For this example, assume this script is in guzzlehttp/src/build/.

Get Burgomaster

Before running your packaging script, you'll need a copy of Burgomaster. This
can be done using composer (mtdowling/burgomaster) or just creating a Makefile
that downloads the Burgomaster.php script.

First, create the following Makefile in your project's root directory:

.. code-block:: makefile

    package: burgomaster
    	php build/packager.php

        mkdir -p build/artifacts
        curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mtdowling/Burgomaster/0.0.1/src/Burgomaster.php > build/artifacts/Burgomaster.php

.. note::

    You can substitute the above URL to use a different tag than ``0.0.1``.
    Look at `Burgomaster's releases <https://github.com/mtdowling/Burgomaster/releases>`_
    for a list of available tags.

Create a packager.php script

Now you need to write a packager.php script, typically located in the build/ directory of a project. Here's what Guzzle's looks like.

.. code-block:: php

require __DIR__ . '/artifacts/Burgomaster.php';

// Creating staging directory at guzzlehttp/src/build/artifacts/staging.
$stageDirectory = __DIR__ . '/artifacts/staging';
// The root of the project is up one directory from the current directory.
$projectRoot = __DIR__ . '/../';
$packager = new \Burgomaster($stageDirectory, $projectRoot);

// Copy basic files to the stage directory. Note that we have chdir'd onto
// the $projectRoot directory, so use relative paths.
foreach (['README.md', 'LICENSE'] as $file) {
    $packager->deepCopy($file, $file);

// Copy each dependency to the staging directory. Copy *.php and *.pem files.
$packager->recursiveCopy('src', 'GuzzleHttp', ['php', 'pem']);
$packager->recursiveCopy('vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/src', 'GuzzleHttp/Stream');
// Create the classmap autoloader, and instruct the autoloader to
// automatically require the 'GuzzleHttp/functions.php' script.
// Create a phar file from the staging directory at a specific location
$packager->createPhar(__DIR__ . '/artifacts/guzzle.phar');
// Create a zip file from the staging directory at a specific location
$packager->createZip(__DIR__ . '/artifacts/guzzle.zip');

As you can see, create a packager.php script is simply a series of actions taken that just uses Burgomaster to help with some common tasks like creating a staging directory, building an autoloader, creating a zip, and creating a phar.

make package

Now that you've made your ``packager.php`` script, just run the ``packge``
Makefile target from the command line.


    make package

GitHub Releases

Now that you've got an easy way to package a release, you should setup your
packaging script to be automatically built and deployed to
`GitHub releases <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/>`_ using
Travis-CI's `GitHub releases deploy <http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases/>`_
target so that a phar and zip is uploaded when you push a tag to your