grafana-aws-athena-datasource copied to clipboard
I am looking for build instructions? Could you help? Somewhere it says > Follow Installing Plugins Manually steps, and install plugin from released zip fil This is not quite useful...
1. `DESCRIBE {table}` is success in Athena, but error in Grafana Athena output is ``` vendorid string from deserializer tpep_pickup_datetime string from deserializer tpep_dropoff_datetime string from deserializer passenger_count string from...
I am doing a count(*) which just returns one value. I thought this would make graph view work but grafana is telling me "unable to graph data, switch to table...
This is my query: ``` SELECT to_iso8601(date_trunc('day', from_iso8601_timestamp(deployday))) as deployday, count(*) AS deploy_freq FROM "donus-prod-statshook-db".jenkins_deploys LEFT JOIN "donus-prod-statshook-db".tribe_service ON trim(tribe_service.repository) = trim(jenkins_deploys.repository) LEFT JOIN "donus-prod-statshook-db".github_pushes ON github_pushes."headcommit.commitid" = jenkins_deploys.commit WHERE...
Follow CloudWatch change.
I tried the latest version locally on Mac. Table View ------------ - without any parameter set, I see only data for a few rows - when I set as Legend...
Due to sdk limitation, 2.0.0 drop panel repeat support. Latest grafana-runtime support panel repeat. When it is released, add panel repeat support again.
Does the plugin only allow retrieving results based on a query execution id? I am not able to use the plugin to do anything else.