msys2-installer copied to clipboard
Install or extract do not finish in docker, with
Both installer and tarball fail to fully install in docker.
The installer does extract partially, but is missing bash.exe and pacman.exe For the installer, I am running:
Invoke-WebRequest -Outfile C:\tools\msys-setup.exe;
Start-Process "C:\tools\msys-setup.exe" -ArgumentList "-y -oC:\ " -Wait
The tarball extracts more, including bash.exe but is missing pacman.exe. For the tarball, I am running:
Invoke-WebRequest -Outfile C:\tools\msys2.tar.xz
Start-process "7z" -ArgumentList "e C:\tools\msys2.tar.xz -oC:\tools " -NoNewWindow -Wait
Start-process "7z" -ArgumentList "x C:\tools\msys2.tar -oC:\ " -NoNewWindow -Wait
I have tried running docker 'build' and docker 'run':
docker build --memory 2GB --isolation process --build-arg BASE_TAG=$BASE_TAG --tag $TAG $COMPOSE_DIR
docker run -it --memory 2GB --isolation process docker-virtual.artifactory.york.lan/windows/servercore:2009-amd64 powershell
Wonder if it's due to permissions or antivirus (Carbon Black or Endpoint Protector).
I have tried other installers:
And other tarballs:
This was running for us with previous Windows versions, 1809-amd64 and 1909-amd64.
These other installers are working in the same Docker container: vs_buildtools.exe, winsdksetup.exe, 7z2107-x64.exe, PortableGit-2.27.0-64-bit.7z.exe,,,, v1.10.0/,
I will post to MSYS2-packages as well, as I see more 'docker' traffic there.
This repo installs the sfx one every day in docker and tests it at least.
Can you give the Dockerfile we use in CI a try?
I tried with the flags from that Dockerfile,
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
But it still only partially installs, it's missing C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe and pacman.exe etc.
PS C:\> Invoke-WebRequest -Outfile C:\msys2.exe;
PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
PS C:\> $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
PS C:\> \msys2.exe -y -oC:\
7-Zip SFX 21.03 ZS v1.5.0 R2 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov, 2016-2021 Tino Reichardt : 2021-10-05
Extracting archive: C:\msys2.exe
Path = C:\msys2.exe
Type = 7z
5% 1946 - msys64\usr\lib\terminfo\61\adm22
Since the above works here and in CI and the extraction isn't really MSYS2 specific I'm out of ideas.
I ran the setup without 'Start-Process' and got an exit code:
PS C:\> ./msys2.exe -y -oC:\
7-Zip SFX 21.03 ZS v1.5.0 R2 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov, 2016-2021 Tino Reichardt : 2021-10-05
Extracting archive: C:\msys2.exe
Path = C:\msys2.exe
Type = 7z
5% 1908 - msys64\usr\lib\terminfo\61\aaa-48-rv
PS C:\> $LastExitCode
I think it's working now, by excluding '--isolation process' from the docker run. Need to see my full process working..
Same thing started happening to me yesterday with no changes on my end (been working for months up until now). Was definitely working two days ago since I have a script to force-rebuild my image daily. I see this on multiple machines and OS versions.
Tried both isolation modes (hyperv and process) and neither are currently working for me. One slight difference to the original reporter is that I'm using servercore:ltsc2022.
Still trying to diagnose further but unfortunately it's difficult to get diagnostic information from Windows containers for these sorts of issues. Trying to investigate using the information here:
Actually, I think I may have misunderstood the original issue in this thread and conflated it with mine. In my case the processes all appear to run successfully and terminate normally, but then the RUN step never finishes and just hangs indefinitely when finalizing the layer. I'm guessing this is probably a distinct issue and I misclassified it as the same as the one here due to the timing.
Strange though that it's happening on multiple machines and seems to coincide with the latest installer release. I tried rolling back to an earlier installer but that didn't help. Likely because whatever is causing the issue gets updated to the same version as in the latest installer anyway, but that's just a guess on my part so far - I need to do additional testing.
@relapids please open a new issue (and just copy what you posted here)