Mårten Svantesson
Mårten Svantesson
We do have custom quickstarts for our organization (mainly to get correct setup for monitoring and logging). The point of this issue and also #1849 is to make it possible...
Looking at GSOC there is the [Quickstart Improvements](https://jenkins-x.io/blog/2022/02/20/gsoc2022-ideas/#4-quickstart-improvements) area. Either that could be expanded or a separate idea could be added about improving the quickstart and pack functionality itself.
JIB is probably the solution with largest traction: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib When using this for java build it essentially means skaffold is replaced with jib.
/remove-lifecycle stale
As far as I can see it's as relevant as before. I'm not employed by Cloudbees though, so there might be things going on that I don't know about. A...
/remove-lifecycle stale
/remove-lifecycle stale
/remove-lifecycle rotten
/remove-lifecycle rotten
Yes, putting it in quickstarts would certainly be better than nothing. That ought to be suitable for GSOC. For java the spring boot approach would be simplest: https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot-docker/ A reason...