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how to burn the files to SI4010?
inside source code folder of the Si4010 folder, there is no HEX file to use, only a .c and .h file, please tell me how can i use with these 2 files, thanks!
It's been a while, but you'll need to install Silicon Laboratories wireless development suite, and install the KEIL compiler. Then also install the example files for the SI4010, see here:
It helps if you own one of the dev kit's as the software is included. I bought the 4010-DKKF-434 kit, but i noticed it has been replaced by (i think) the 4010-KFOBDEV-434.
Overwrite the installed example (keyfob_demo) with the two files from this repository. You should then be able to compile the keyfob_demo example, generating the Open Chargeport hexfile.
Be careful, as you can only burn the Si4010 IC's once!, (you can however upload the code to RAM and develop from there)