passport-google-oauth2 copied to clipboard
User is not showing up in my req
I run this code and I login with Google, but no user is stored in req, so when it redirects back to the index page, it still shows "Login" and NOT "account". Why/How can this be?
I put a breakpoint in my "function (request, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {" and it shows profile is filled with data and so I "return done(null, profile)", but I can't access profile or user anywhere else
I have the same problem, did you manage to solve it? @SethKitchen
Same issue here
You mean in the example I suppose? This is presumably because the example doesn't actually set up any proper session storage (it just assumes there's a redis instance running somewhere, which doesn't really make sense.) The example really should be reworked to use an in-process memory storage solution to avoid having this external dependency.