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Deep Feature Flow for Video Recognition
How to train our own dataset(one category)? and it is not included in the 30 category.How to make the annotations ?
in the file ``` if config.TRAIN.RESUME: print('continue training from ', begin_epoch) arg_params, aux_params = load_param(prefix, begin_epoch, convert=True) ``` but do_checkpoint is iter_no+1 ``` def do_checkpoint(prefix, means, stds): def _callback(iter_no,...
The program can be trained, but during the training, it has always been the following program: This convolution is not supported by cudnn, MXNET convolution is applied. What caused this...
各位老友们: 有一起研究这篇论文的老友吗?本人正在研究做实验,也遇到了很多问题。建个qq群,希望一起研究学习的小伙伴赶紧来加入QQ群吧:964957091 谢谢! ` @YuwenXiong # @ancientmooner @cddlyf @liaojing @daijifeng001
hi,all i want to try this algrithm on virtual machine and my system is ubuntu 16.04. I had installed: MXNet@(commit 62ecb60) and Cython, opencv-python==, easydict==1.6 as required. My python version...
I run the test code , the page stays in "Writing all ImageNetVID results file",who can help me . I thank you very much !
When I run "**python experiments/dff_rfcn/ --cfg experiments/dff_rfcn/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_flownet_imagenet_vid_rfcn_end2end_ohem.yaml**", it generator **xxx.log** in **output/**,It was been running for a while, but occurred this problem: `by cudnn, MXNET convolution is applied. Traceback (most...
After i read the codes,I found that Train Deep Feature Flow trained on DET and VID (30 classes). Now,I want to train the net on dataset of 2 classes. I...
How many videos you test to evaluate the inference speed? Because the inference speed is influenced by the environment and can varies by time largely. And the speed also changes...
[09:38:23] /home/pdl/workspace2/ylj/MXNet/mxnet/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/logging.h:308: [09:38:23] src/operator/batch_norm-inl.h:238: Check failed: channelAxis < dshape.ndim() (1 vs. 0) Channel axis out of range: 1 Stack trace returned 10 entries: [bt] (0) /home/pdl/workspace2/ylj/MXNet/mxnet/python/mxnet/../../lib/ [0x7fd8fec99aac] [bt] (1) /home/pdl/workspace2/ylj/MXNet/mxnet/python/mxnet/../../lib/