@dieppa Do you think multiple constructors is a realistic use case? It's probably easier to have the validator generate an error if there are multiple or zero (valid) constructors -...
@thekaleidoscope - I think you're not being strict enough. @dieppa summarasied it neatly: These are ok: * Only one constructor provided (with or without annotation) * More than one constructor...
`No Constuctor Provided` is already an error case (try it!). Sure it passes validation, but Mongock will fail when it uses the object! The whole point of this bug report...
So it seems the first problem is that collection / list properties annotated this way aren't picked up and included in the `_externalTypeHnadler` because they don't have a `valueTypeDeserialiser`. See...
Here's my full maven config: ```xml 4.0.0 org.example springboot-test 1.0-SNAPSHOT 13 13 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-dependencies 2.5.5 pom import org.springframework.boot spring-boot-devtools true org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter ```
If this is the intended behavior then I think spring-boot-devtools needs to inform the user that it's changed the exit code! Otherwise this is very non-obvious. Took me ages to...
@wilkinsona I'm not quite sure I understand. Obviously there's no intention for the app to be misconfigured! Our app has multiple modules. Basically one webapp and a bunch of supporting...
@jsotuyod > If the outer class is never used in the codebase, but just holds together related classes, I'd argue this is a code smell and a package is to...