Martin Skočík

Results 55 comments of Martin Skočík

@turkic-dev your comment isn't clear. And you posted it 2 different issues. So I have no idea what are you trying to say.

Okay, I understand now. It's fixed that in `3.9.8` version. There was a bug introduced in attempt to fix this issue.

@FluffyDiscord your suggestion wouldn't work, because `beforeinput` runs _after_ `keydown`. What I found is that android chrome ignores `preventDefault()` call on every event (keydown, beforeinput, input, keyup)... At least I...

I am not really convinced about it. This can be achieved on your side like in this [REPL]( You can always determine the validity state based on bound value property....

Don't forget that even thouh Firefox supports :has, it isn't enabled yet by default. I created this REPL for you. There is one REPL related to validation mentioned in github...

And what about config option to turn "off" that transition warning?

But this doesn't solve the issue, when handler needs to be added **dynamicaly**. I am mentioning it above, maybe you missed it. On 9. 4. 2020 2:46, David Grudl wrote:...

Let me know if new a11y support in v4 is enough. I am not an expert in this area. And raise a new issue, if there is something missing. I...

Reminder for myself: reflect changes in v4 for custom element as well

> Do you already have a rough approximation of the time, when the milestone v4.0 could be finished? Can't promise you anything. I though I should be able to finish...