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Roslin is a reproducible and reusable workflow for Cancer Genomic Sequencing Analysis


Roslin-variant is a reproducible and reusable workflow for Cancer Genomic Sequencing Analysis


To build, deploy, and use Roslin, you will need:

Most testing of Roslin has been done with the specific versions above on hosts running CentOS 7.6. If you run into problems, search through the issues for related solutions. If you cannot solve the problem without our help, then please create a new issue with detailed information on how to reproduce your problem.


Clone the repo, switch to the current branch, init and update submodules:

git clone --branch 2.6.x --recurse-submodules

Enter the repo and edit the configuration files as appropriate for your host/environment. At minimum, enter your MongoDB admin user/password in core/config.core.yaml:

cd roslin-variant
vi core/config.core.yaml
vi config.variant.yaml

Users of the Juno cluster at MSKCC, can simply copy sample-juno-config.yaml instead:

cp sample-juno-config.yaml config.variant.yaml
  1. Add the root with the path where you want to install the pipeline
  2. Modify TOIL_LSF_ARGS within both root and test env's as appropriate

You can use TOIL_LSF_ARGS to run all your jobs under a SLA or increase walltime. For example:

TOIL_LSF_ARGS: '-sla jvSC -W 168:00'

Here is a table containing the description of important keys in core/config.core.yaml:

Key Description
root The path to install roslin core, or an existing installation of roslin core
mongo All the information needed to connect to the mongo database

Here is a table containing the description of important keys in config.variant.yaml:

Key Description
root The path to install roslin pipeline
binding.extra All the paths in the host system that needs to be mounted
env Envirornment variables to set before running the pipeline
dependencies.singularity Location of singularity binary files
build.installCore Option to either install core or use an existing installation
test.tempDir Path to test tempdir
test.runArgs Path to test run arguments

Here is how to use the source key under dependencies in config.variant.yaml:

Type Example Description Dependency Supported
path path:/usr/local/bin/singularity Path to binary or source files singularity, cmo, toil
module module:singularity Module name with the version key representing the module version singularity
github github: Github repo with the version key representing the branch/tag toil, cmo

For installation, simply run this script. Make sure it has internet access:


After installation is completed you should see a message like this:

 ______     ______     ______     __         __     __   __
/\  == \   /\  __ \   /\  ___\   /\ \       /\ \   /\ "-.\ \
\ \  __<   \ \ \/\ \  \ \___  \  \ \ \____  \ \ \  \ \ \-.  \
 \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \/\_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\  \ \_\\"\_\
  \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/   \/_/ \/_/
 ______   __     ______   ______     __         __     __   __     ______
/\  == \ /\ \   /\  == \ /\  ___\   /\ \       /\ \   /\ "-.\ \   /\  ___\
\ \  _-/ \ \ \  \ \  _-/ \ \  __\   \ \ \____  \ \ \  \ \ \-.  \  \ \  __\
 \ \_\    \ \_\  \ \_\    \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\  \ \_\\"\_\  \ \_____\
  \/_/     \/_/   \/_/     \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/   \/_/ \/_/   \/_____/

Roslin Pipeline

Your workspace: /home/vagrant/roslin-pipelines/variant/2.6.0/workspace/vagrant-3.10

Add the following line to your .profile or .bashrc if not already added:

source /home/vagrant/roslin-core/2.1.2/config/

This message has two important pieces of information:

  1. The location of your workspace in the pipeline
  2. The file that sets your env to operate the pipeline

Make sure to source the in your ~/.bashrc or some other appropriate startup dotfile.

Test an example

Source the, enter a folder with sample data, and run the bash wrapper around and

source [your file path]
cd [your workspace path]/examples/SampleWorkflow

Add a user

If another user wants to run your deployment of Roslin, they can setup their own workspace by running:

source [your file path] --name [your pipeline name] --version [your pipeline version]