facets copied to clipboard
Error "replacement has 0 rows", caused by dipLogR=numeric(0)
Dear developer,
I am processing large numbers of WES samples with facets
and have observed the same error in a very small number of the samples namely an R error
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "ocn", value = numeric(0)) :
replacement has 0 rows, data has XX
where XX is any number. I investigated by running the code chunk by chunk and the error is raised at the line
out$ocn <- 2^(1 + out$cnlr.median - dipLogR)
of the internal function fitcnf0
. For the problematic samples, dipLogR
has value numeric(0)
which R does not like at all in math operations. I traced the code back to where dipLogR
is computed i.e in the function findDiploidLogR
I include here the value of out0
before proceeding.
> out0
¦segclust num.mark nhet cnlr.median mafR
1 1 12 2 -3.011918512 NA
2 2 1356 131 -1.798816173 0.87040920
3 3 1113 129 -1.672719808 0.50768199
4 4 2591 169 -1.540583510 0.38480972
5 5 95 0 -1.449920926 NA
6 6 3549 260 -1.375430640 1.07821394
7 7 8371 617 -1.214081713 1.62760232
8 8 23391 1735 -1.153622814 1.75910412
9 9 3813 338 -1.065265524 0.38562833
10 10 9147 507 -0.986037822 1.68275186
11 11 2276 188 -0.986037822 1.00952637
12 12 590 27 -0.872059667 0.39128127
13 13 9273 668 -0.646692979 0.39995403
14 14 137519 9330 -0.497578555 0.35753481
15 15 6959 533 -0.497578555 2.91293673
16 16 111 2 -0.497578555 NA
17 17 48236 2667 -0.430391724 0.36672818
18 18 87418 5958 -0.378755987 0.35694070
19 19 1181 139 -0.305467079 0.37138545
20 20 13660 53 -0.305467079 NA
21 21 17858 1597 -0.203132374 0.36138407
22 22 60 3 -0.112683016 NA
23 23 28336 1927 -0.045396996 0.55155616
24 24 17580 1304 0.001305458 0.53605083
25 25 349 59 1.106909438 0.04739713
26 26 9 1 1.745496039 NA
Because there is no segment among the segments above with a value of mafR
below 0.025, the threshold is raised to 0.05. Only line 25 of out0
satisfies this condition and therefore bsegs
takes the value 25
. Also, ocnlevels
takes the value
> ocnlevels
[1] -3.011918512 -1.798816173 -1.672719808 -1.540583510 -1.449920926 -1.375430640 -1.214081713 -1.153622814 -1.065265524 -0.986037822
[11] -0.872059667 -0.646692979 -0.497578555 -0.430391724 -0.378755987 -0.305467079 -0.203132374 -0.112683016 -0.045396996 0.001305458
[21] 1.106909438 1.745496039
after running
levels <- unique(out0$cnlr.median)
Continuing through the function, dipLogR
takes the intermediate value 1.106909438
after running
} else {
¦ ¦ # make sure bsegs is not empty
¦ ¦ if (length(bsegs) == 0) {
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ # if no balanced segs set dipLogR at the median of cnlr
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ dipLogR <- median(cnlr)
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ nbal <- 0
¦ ¦ } else {
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ dipLogR <- cnlr.median[bsegs]
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ nbal <- num.mark[bsegs]
¦ ¦ }
Advancing through the code, not1plus1
takes the value FALSE
and therefore we arrive at where cn2logR
is computed
# find deviance for each ocnlevel
# ocn levels cannot be any lower than lr4-1
ocnlevels0 <- ocnlevels[ocnlevels > dipLogR[1]-1 & ocnlevels < dipLogR[1]]
dev1 <- sapply(ocnlevels0, facets:::dlrdev, dipLogR[1], out1)
cn2logR <- ocnlevels0[which.min(dev1)]
The problem here is that there is not a single value in the vector ocnlevels
that satisfies ocnlevels > dipLogR[1]-1 & ocnlevels < dipLogR[1]
which makes ocnlevels0
(and subsequently cn2logR
) take the value numeric(0)
However, changing the strictly inferior in
ocnlevels[ocnlevels > dipLogR[1]-1 & ocnlevels < dipLogR[1]]
to less than or equal as follows
ocnlevels[ocnlevels > dipLogR[1]-1 & ocnlevels <= dipLogR[1]]
makes ocnlevels0
take the length-1 vector value [1] 1.106909
and subsequently cn2LogR
the value 1.106909
, thereby avoiding the error I described at the beginning.
Is the strictly inferior needed in ocnlevels[ocnlevels > dipLogR[1]-1 & ocnlevels < dipLogR[1]]
or is it ok to replace it by a simple less than or equal to? I know that we often use interchangeably <
and <=
with no consequence at all but here is an example where it makes a difference.
Best, Yoann
can you share a data set that will trigger the dipLogR=numeric(0) issue you are getting?
I am sorry I can't find again the pileup matrix that led to the error I described above. I'll make sure to keep it in case I come across this error again. I thought that the table out0
I provided to you in my previous message would be enough for you to figure out what was going on.
Best, Yoann