Laravel5-oauth2-server- icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Laravel5-oauth2-server- copied to clipboard

laravel5 project with token based security , ready to use with sample data

Laravel PHP Framework with oAuth2.0 server ready to use

this scafold project based on [PHP OAuth 2.0 Server for Laravel] (

  1. clone this project git clone foldername

  2. tell composer to download the required libraries composer update

  3. configure database setting in ".env" file

  4. then run " php artisan migrate " , if "Nothing to migrate." message apeared , run " php artisan migrate:reset "

  5. run " php artisan db:seed " to add test client and user

  6. to test the server run php artisan serve , then in REST Client ( eg. postman ) , make a POST request to ( http://localhost:8000/oauth/access_token )

##note when using MAMP or work in lenux , you need the change the project folder Owner or the folder permition , you can use chmod -R 777 * ( in Development ONLY )

###test user:
[email protected]
password = password

client App :
client_id = GXvOWazQ3lA6YSaFji
client_secret =GXvOWazQ3lA.6/YSaFji

screenshot: secreenshot