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Simple demonstration logging configuration of uWSGI and Django application inside Docker container.
Simple demonstration logging configuration of uwsgi
and Django application
inside Docker container.
My aim is run Docker container with Django application behind uwsgi
and see
application logs on container's stdout.
I wasn't able to find right combination of settings mainly due to my lack of knowledge about uWSGI. But smarter head pointing me to this:
uWSGI is logging to its stderr. App will inherit both stdout/stderr fds from parent, so their logs are mixed on stderr, but stdout is app only. uWSGI is silent on stdout AFAIK.
With this information I set up first part of the puzzle -- Django application.
See LOGGING and two simple views with
logging. If you try it in your local environment
with internal runserver
command, you will see log messages mixed into
acesss logs.
Second part is uWSGI. Its launch is invoked inside container by this Dockerfile commands.
Last beast is Nginx. It just listening on HTTP and forwarding traffic to
If you want to try it, follow this steps please:
# build images
docker build -t msgre/common:research.uwsgi_logging .
# run two containers, each in separated terminal
docker run --name demo --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/src:/src msgre/common:research.uwsgi_logging
docker run --name nginx --rm -ti -p 8081:80 --link demo -v $PWD/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro nginx
Now go to browser and enter URL http://localhost:8081 (on Linux) or (on OSX; to be sure about this IP check output of
docker-machine ls
, you should see default
machine and its IP adress which
is by default
Two variants of uwsgi invoking
It is possible to run container in 2 different ways:
- If you want to see output from
and Django application mixed in one output, run variant 1 - If you want to see just Django application logs, you could redirect
stderr to
. See variant 2 with shell syntax of CMD instruction.
Kudos to Braňo Žarnovičan for http://lists.unbit.it/pipermail/uwsgi/2016-February/008383.html