nutrition-overengineering icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nutrition-overengineering copied to clipboard

:bread: :hamburger: :pizza: :sandwich: :egg: :bacon: - Application to calc healthcare and nutrition metrics, but using the most over engineered as possible

Nutrition Overengineering

Application to calc healthcare and nutrition metrics, but using the most over engineered as possible

"Caraca Matheus, tu é idiota??? "Sim"

Overenginner Microservices Summary

  • health-api: REST Interface for product. Using orchestrator pattern.
  • bmr-grpc: gRPC Microservice to calc Basal Metabolic Rate
  • imc-grpc: gRPC Microservice to calc IMC
  • recommendations-grpc: gRPC Microservice to summarize diet recommendations and contabilize Macros
  • proteins-grpc: gRPC Microservice to calc daily protein necessity
  • water-grpc: gRPC Microservice to calc daily water ingestion
  • calories-grpc: gRPC to calc calories ingestion necessity
  • frontend: VueJS SPA

Docker Images

Application Image
health-api fidelissauro/health-api:latest
bmr-grpc-service fidelissauro/bmr-grpc-service:latest
imc-grpc-service fidelissauro/imc-grpc-service:latest
water-grpc-service fidelissauro/water-grpc-service:latest
calories-grpc-service fidelissauro/calories-grpc-service:latest
proteins-grpc-service fidelissauro/proteins-grpc-service:latest
recommendations-grpc-service fidelissauro/recommendations-grpc-service:latest





curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ 
   "age": 26,
   "weight": 90.0,
   "height": 1.77,
   "gender": "M", 
   "activity_intensity": "very_active"
} ' --silent | jq .
    "status": 200,
    "imc": {
        "result": 28.72737719046251,
        "class": "overweight"
    "basal": {
        "bmr": {
            "value": 2011.7,
            "unit": "kcal"
        "necessity": {
            "value": 3470.1825000000003,
            "unit": "kcal"
    "health_info": {
        "age": 26,
        "weight": 90,
        "height": 1.77,
        "gender": "M",
        "activity_intensity": "very_active"
    "recomendations": {
        "protein": {
            "value": 180,
            "unit": "g"
        "water": {
            "value": 3150,
            "unit": "ml"
        "calories": {
            "maintain_weight": {
                "value": 3470.1825000000003,
                "unit": "kcal"
            "loss_weight": {
                "value": 3123.1642500000003,
                "unit": "kcal"
            "gain_weight": {
                "value": 5205.27375,
                "unit": "kcal"

Jaeger and Zipkin

Using Tracing between services

To use jaeger tracing with zipkin you can specify environment variable called ZIPKIN_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT.

export ZIPKIN_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT=http://jaeger:9411/api/v2/spans

Jaeger Tracing

Jaeger Map


  • Refactor communication lib
  • Customize log lib for trace id
  • Error Handling and Retries
  • Implement Prometheus HTTP Endpoint
  • Create Kubernetes Deployment
  • Create Istio Manifests to Service Mesh gRPC Optimizations


brew install grpc protobuf protoc-gen-go-grpc
protoc --proto_path=proto/bmr --go_out=proto/bmr --go_out=plugins=grpc:bmr --go_opt=paths=source_relative proto/bmr/bmr.proto
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:bmr bmr.proto