XMLSigner describes that always_add_key_value should be false for security issues, but in XAdESSigner the default is true. Is there a reason for that? The case is that if we provide...
Adding 3 certificates to XAdESSigner cert parameter creates 3 X509Certificate nodes in X509Data and 3 elements. This is not the problem. If this goes to XAdESVerifier if fails with: signxml.exceptions.InvalidDigest:...
Running OpenSC 0.25.1: Got two cards: ATR: 3b:7f:96:00:00:80:31:80:65:b0:85:59:56:fb:12:0f:fe:82:90:00 and ATR: 3b:7f:96:00:00:80:31:80:65:b0:85:03:00:ef:12:0f:fe:82:90:00 Both identify as Gemalto IDPrime 940. Code
tasmota32 added a feature to enable developers to add virtual relays that are above real relay list. Currently tasmota HA integration adds those as switch_n with n from relay number...
Previously MD 840 was identified as 940. Also changed the part where mechanism are assigned to the card, so that EC is also added as by spec. Fixes #3106
Is there any chance to support for C_UnblockPIN? I got some "special" software supporting PKCS11, that "thinks" it is better to use unsupported function instead of C_InitPIN. It also...