Michael Scott-Nelson

Results 24 comments of Michael Scott-Nelson

@jez9999 , I've tried these rules and, given a tab followed by a space, am still getting a lint Error of "indentation has mixed tabs and spaces (ter-no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs)" when smartTabs...

I can't help but notice that your final structure is: { largeObj: { nestedObj: { [] } } } If that's the case, the inner array is not an array,...

I’ve been considering an alternate solution to this problem, which has been experimented with before: a Nextcloud server on the local LAN that is synchronized with a Nextcloud server wherever,...

@tbazin thank you for your work on this! It seems maintenance has stalled. Feel free to keep updating this PR. Since review is taking awhile, another alternative to sharing these...

You could accomplish this in your dial configuration by having your the dial 'wrap around' to its starting value using a modulo operator whenever it reaches a particular value, as...

I should not have closed this issue. There may be a way to leverage dial.value to get the use case you are looking for until a new dial mode can...

I would love a PR for this. Please [follow the official guidance on bundling the type declarations](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-files/publishing.html). I personally think it would be nice to someday refactor into TypeScript. Having...

As currently implemented, the 'mode' referenced in the documentation is the 'button' mode. The currently available button modes are: button, aftertouch, impulse, or toggle. Not sure if this will change...

I would be happy to add the LICENSE file if that provides additional clarity for folks. The package.json does not contain a license holder, but does cite @taylorbf as the...

Hello @AndrejHronco . There isn't a format function, and there isn't a configuration value. There is, however, already a value present on the object for controlling this, and you can...