Michael Scofield

Results 18 comments of Michael Scofield

Tried it even in VirtualXposed and it's the same thing...

The following doesn't work... I want to exclude the test directory and the dependencies stored at the `CPM_SOURCE_CACHE`. The current working directory of the CMakeLists.txt is `test`. ```cmake if(DEFINED ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE})...

I actually had an error in the above command, I didn't type `EXCLUDE`, but it doesn't seem to make a difference: ```cmake if(DEFINED ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}) add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE $ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}/.* build/.*) else() add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE build/.*)...

`llvm-cov` runs normally, but still doesn't exclude the directories we set. And with gcc it just doesn't work (same error as before): ```bash code-coverage.cmake:424 (add_dependencies): The dependency target "ccov-report-GreeterTests" of...

I've made it public https://github.com/mscofield0/ModernCppStarter

It works on gcc lcov for me, but not for llvm-cov, the llvm-cov output remains the same as before. This is the CMake code: ```cmake if(DEFINED ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}) # file(GLOB_RECURSE CCOV_EXCLUDES...

Please implement this