forth_wizard copied to clipboard
Finds optimal code sequences for stack transformations
The Forth Wizard finds the shortest sequence of forth instructions needed for a given stack manipulation.
In addition to simple stack transforms it allows for partial specification of the final stack state, usage of the return stack, and caching. All common forth instructions are supported.
This was translated from the orignal [[][forth wizard]] and heavily extended. It is written in C and provides a Python3 module. Tested only on Ubuntu.
Installation Install from pypi with ~pip3 install forthwiz~, or download and run ~sudo ./ to build and install. Requires package python3-dev to build.
Usage Instantiate a ~forthwiz.Wizard~ object and use the ~setup~ method to specify the machine state. This can include the initial and ending state of data stack, initial state of return stack, and options for caching, supported ops, and return stack usage. The stack states are specified with lists, the items in those lists may be any hashable type. #+BEGIN_SRC python $ python3
import forthwiz wiz = forthwiz.Wizard() wiz.setup( in_stack=['a', 'b'], out_stack=['b', 'a', 'a'] ) solution = wiz.solve() solution.code ['swap', 'dup'] #+END_SRC
Multiple solutions ~Wizard.solve~ may be called multiple times to generate alternative solutions: #+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=['a', 'b'], out_stack=['b', 'a', 'a'] ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['swap', 'dup'] solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['over', 'rot'] solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['swap', '2dup', 'nip'] #+END_SRC
Partial stack usage The =out_vars= parameter can be used to specify symbols that must remain in the final machine state. When ~out_vars~ is set the =out_stack= parameter only specifies the top values that are expected on the stack. Symbols in =out_vars= that are not in =out_stack= may be included in the bottom portion of the data stack in any order. This may yield shorter solutions when only the top ordering matters. The final data stack value is saved as the =Solution.stack= attribute. #+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], out_stack=[1], out_vars=[1, 2, 3, 5] ) solution = wiz.solve() solution.code ['nip', '2swap', 'swap'] solution.stack [3, 5, 2, 1] #+END_SRC
Using the return stack The =use_rstack= parameter tells the solver that it is ok to leave values on the return stack. When it is set values that appear in =out_vars= that are not present in =out_stack= may be left on the return stack in addition to the bottom of the data stack. This is disabled by default. The final state of the return stack is saved as the ~Solution.rstack~ attribute. #+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], out_stack=[1], out_vars=[1, 2, 3, 5], use_rstack=True ) solution = wiz.solve() solution.code ['>r', 'drop', 'rot'] solution.stack [2, 3, 1] solution.rstack [5] #+END_SRC
=in_rstack= can be used to specify the starting state of the return stack.
- Finding all solutions
Use the to find all the solutions of the minimal length.
#+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=[1, 2], out_stack=[2, 1, 1] ) solution = [s.code for s in solution] [['swap', 'dup'], ['over', 'rot']] #+END_SRC Subsequent calls to gives the collection of the next longest solution length.
~Wizard.solve_many~ can be used to find all solutions under a given length.
- Forth ops
The forth ops the solver will use to find the solution can be set with the =ops=
parameter. Specify the op ~N pick~ with ~Npick~, currently supported for N=[2,5].
For example, duplicating top of stack without =dup=:
#+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=['A', 'B'], out_stack=['A', 'B', 'B'], ops=['swap', 'r>', 'over', '>r', 'r@'] ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['>r', 'r@', 'r>'] #+END_SRC
Predefined collections of ops supported by common forth interpreters can be set using the =target= parameter. Currently supported targets are gforth and amforth. #+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=['a', 'b','c','d'], out_stack=['a', 'b','c','d','a','b'], target='gforth' ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['2over'] wiz.setup( in_stack=['a', 'b','c','d'], out_stack=['a', 'b','c','d','a','b'], target='amforth' ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution.code ['2>r', '2dup', '2r>', '2swap'] #+END_SRC
- Caching By default calls to ~solve~ will cache the solution. To disable caching set the optional ~setup~ parameter ~use_cache~ to False.
A different cache file is used for each solver version and collection of ops used to find the solution, for example =wizard_cache_1_2_7ffff.txt=.
Disabling the pick instruction Use of the =pick= instruction may be disabled with the =use_pick= option: #+BEGIN_SRC python
wiz.setup( in_stack=[0, 1, 2], out_stack=[0, 2, 0, 1] ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution ['2', 'pick', 'rot'] wiz.setup( in_stack=[0, 1, 2], out_stack=[0, 2, 0, 1], use_pick=False ) solution = wiz.solve(); solution ['swap', '>r', 'over', 'r>'] #+END_SRC
forthwiz.solve_stacks ~forthwiz.solve_stacks~ is a convenience function supporting only basic usage. It takes two lists describing the input and output states of the data stack and a subset of the options available to =Wizard.setup=
#+BEGIN_SRC python
import forthwiz forthwiz.solve_stacks( ['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a', 'a'] ) ['swap', 'dup'] #+END_SRC