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Create advanced example to fetch orderbook via websocket is a basic example for how to get the recent fills. We need a more complete example that is able to fetch the orderbook in addition and prints the following to the CLI on every SOL-PERP order book update:
- Last traded price
- Mid-price
- Spread in basis points
- $ +2% depth
- $ -2% depth
i have started working on this one. would be good to have a board to mark it as in progress lest someone else starts this from scratch in parallel.
created a board:
also we are just about to roll out v3.4 from mango side, i was planning to write a simple order book parser for that purpose. lmk if that causes a conflict on your end.
i am using the mango bowl wss server to subscribe to the data. not sure if the rollout to newer mango version will affect that or not.
let me know if you had something else in the mind re this orderbook parsing example.
yeah, we should probably connect directly to the on-chain data rather then through mango-bowl which does a lot of intermediate processing. i'll try to make a simple example of getting the order book via json rpc.
here's a rough sketch of the code to parse the order book
thanks for the rough idea. added lowest asks now
still unclear though how to have a websocket subscription to orderbook update instead of the rpc polling. if you have any code somewhere in other projects which wss'es solana, please let me know.
accountSubscribe is the correct request to implement this, you can either open multiple websockets or subscribe to multiple account updates on the same socket
makes sense. have added two subscriber objects for bids and asks. 8760e5748be6dd41392872ab9be20f7f452c0782 will have to see how/when to log the required info since the bids and asks are separate wss messages.
do you have any specific way to calculate market depth? that is just the volume of orders at $+% right? would be cool if you already have a logic in rust code or some other mango project to look into before i try to reinvent the wheel.
that''s the remaining part, everything else is ready at
noticed you use getSpreadBsp
in your code, i think BPS is a more common abbreviation for basis points
do you have any specific way to calculate market depth? that is just the volume of orders at $+% right? would be cool if you already have a logic in rust code or some other mango project to look into before i try to reinvent the wheel.
here is an example in C#:
IStreamingRpcClient streamingRpcClient = ClientFactory.GetStreamingClient(Cluster.MainNet);
IMangoClient mangoClient = Solnet.Mango.ClientFactory.GetClient(rpcClient, streamingRpcClient);
AccountResultWrapper<PerpMarket> perpMarket = await mangoClient.GetPerpMarketAsync("DtEcjPLyD4YtTBB4q8xwFZ9q49W89xZCZtJyrGebi5t8"); // BTC-PERP
AccountResultWrapper<OrderBookSide> bidsRequest = await mangoClient.GetOrderBookSideAsync(perpMarket.ParsedResult.Bids, Commitment.Processed); // Bids side of the orderbook
AccountResultWrapper<OrderBookSide> asksRequest = await mangoClient.GetOrderBookSideAsync(perpMarket.ParsedResult.Asks, Commitment.Processed); // Asks side of the orderbook
List<OpenOrder> bids = bidsRequest.ParsedResult.GetOrders().OrderByDescending(o => o.RawPrice).ToList();
List<OpenOrder> asks = asksRequest.ParsedResult.GetOrders().OrderBy(o => o.RawPrice).ToList();
long midPrice = (bids[0].RawPrice + asks[0].RawPrice) / 2;
double midLessDepth = midPrice * 0.98; // 2%
long depth = bids.Where(o => o.RawPrice > midLessDepth).Sum(o => o.RawQuantity);