Max Savin
Max Savin
Buy two facts, get one opinion free: Fact: Every Meteor connection makes a subscription for the `Meteor.user()` document Fact: Every subscription is cached to the server that the client is...
Meteor 2.9.0 I've been noticing the following error during testing with Meteor: ``` User not found [403] ``` ``` "Error: User not found [403] at Connection._livedata_result (http://localhost:3200/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=12df120d82048869c74b009c3544bf96a2f333dc:1812:23) at Connection.onMessage (http://localhost:3200/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=12df120d82048869c74b009c3544bf96a2f333dc:1961:12)...