alcove copied to clipboard
Partial stdout even when child exist with status code 0
It appears the stdout from a child process is not flushed entirely even when it exists.
RelativeFilePath = <<"">>,
Path = <<"/opt/beamparticle-data/git-data/git-src">>,
CtrlDir = <<"/opt/beamparticle-data/git-data">>,
Drv = alcove_drv:start_link([{ctldir, CtlDir}]),
Command = <<"/usr/bin/git">>,
Args = [<<"log">>, <<"--follow">>, <<"--pretty=\"%h\"">>, <<"-z">>, RelativeFilePath],
TimeoutMsec = 5000,
The execute_command/5 is as follows:
execute_command(Drv, Path, Command, Args, TimeoutMsec) ->
{ok, ChildPID} = alcove:fork(Drv, []),
alcove:chdir(Drv, [ChildPID], Path),
EnvironmentVars = [],
ok = alcove:execve(Drv, [ChildPID], Command, [Command | Args],
lager:info("git-backend running command ~s ~s", [Command, Args]),
{alcove_event, Drv, [ChildPID], {exit_status, ExitCode}} = Event ->
lager:info("git-backend received event ~p", [Event]),
Stdout = alcove:stdout(Drv, [ChildPID]),
Stderr = alcove:stderr(Drv, [ChildPID]),
{ExitCode, Stdout, Stderr}
TimeoutMsec ->
alcove:kill(Drv, [], ChildPID, 9),
{error, timeout}
The output (stdout) gives a partial listing for SHA-1 hashes (see below). Additionally, notice that the first time it gave two hashes (which is also less) and the second time just one.
([email protected])8> beamparticle_gitbackend_server:git_log(<<"/opt/beamparticle-data/git-data/git-src">>, short, <<"">>, 5000).
07:31:22.299 [info] git-backend running command /usr/bin/git log--follow--pretty="%h"
07:31:22.369 [info] git-backend received event {alcove_event,<0.4500.0>,[12071],{exit_status,0}}
07:31:22.369 [info] Content = <<34,97,100,50,101,56,48,102,34,0,34,55,99,57,97,53,98,48,34,0>>
([email protected])9> beamparticle_gitbackend_server:git_log(<<"/opt/beamparticle-data/git-data/git-src">>, short, <<"">>, 5000).
07:31:23.568 [info] git-backend running command /usr/bin/git log--follow--pretty="%h"
07:31:23.644 [info] git-backend received event {alcove_event,<0.4500.0>,[12072],{exit_status,0}}
07:31:23.644 [info] Content = <<34,97,100,50,101,56,48,102,34,0>>
is doing a selective receive and returning the next message in the process mailbox. git seems to be flushing its output after each hash so each is delivered as a separate message. Some of the hashes might run together depending on when alcove does a read:
git: hash -> stdout, flush
git: hash -> stdout, flush
alcove <- hash, hash
git: hash -> stdout, flush
alcove <- hash
One way of handling this situation:
stdout(Drv, Chain) ->
stdout(Drv, Chain, []).
stdout(Drv, Chain, Acc) ->
case alcove:stdout(Drv, Chain) of
false ->
case Acc of
[] -> false;
_ -> lists:reverse(Acc)
Out ->
stdout(Drv, Chain, [Out|Acc])
But I think you are correct and alcove:stdout/2
should return all pending stdout. This will change the type signature:
% current
-spec stdout(alcove_drv:ref(),[pid_t()]) -> 'false' | binary().
% proposed
% [] is returned if no stdout available
-spec stdout(alcove_drv:ref(),[pid_t()]) -> [binary()].
I will take a look at making this change!
@msantos it makes sense now. I faced a similar situation when reading from java and python processes wherein the logs were not flushed entirely, but my latest test confirmed the issue (ref
Thanks for looking.
Change has been pushed, thanks @neeraj9 !
I looked at The writes might be buffered so the external process may need to explicitly do an fflush().
These writes can be forced to be flushed by default using stdbuf(1):
stdbuf -o0 /path/to/process
Or by setting some magic environment variables:
Thanks @msantos ! I tried multiple techniques to flush the stream within Python or Java application but they do not work predictably, I will test the functionality after your recent changes.