### What happened? After running ironfish accounts:rescan --reset a few days ago I started running stably for first time in long time. However, starting to get unstable again w various...
### What happened? Entered "ironfish debug" in CLI with node running. In the past this has never been in issue and the return was to provide what state could be...
### What happened? After computer shut off unexpectedly (killing both the node and mining processes), the default account under which I had been mining and accumulating $IRON was lost from...
### What happened? Attempted simultaneous deposit transaction from different CLI windows from wallet containing $0.20000001. Fee=$ORE 1 for both transactions. ( from account msa6867test1 "publicAddress": "d0ed10a23510f66f14316ca1aebd973319d4b6b5b726e787b718ed58f16387bfb072ffa3b8b875f99de5ca") Expected result would be...
### What happened? Incorrect amount displayed in accounts:balance following deposits; seems to eventually revert to correct balance after several deposits. Note that reversion to correct blanace does not seem to...
### What happened? started ironfish in one CLI, started mining (after syncing) in another CLI and attempted three deposits (after syncing) in third CLI. Two depoists showed as completed but...
### What happened? It appears that several of my accounts have been zeroed out. accounts:balance returns 0.000000. accounts:pay, deposit, depostAll all fail due to insufficient funds Below is my main...