isomorphic_copy copied to clipboard
Cross platform clipboard | networkless! remote copy
Isomorphic Copy
Cross platform clipboard.
Both remote and local
Works out of the 📦 with most programs that use pbcopy
, xclip
, wl-copy
, etc.
Works the same locally as over SSH, inside Docker containers, et al.
It even works inside Docker over SSH and then inside Docker!, infinitely chainable.
communicates by stdio
and unix socket
All it does is spawn subprocesses and listen to IO
This makes it amazingly versatile.
You literally just run cssh <ssh-args>
or cdocker <container-name>
No local daemon required. The remote "daemon" is just a subprocess of a subprocess. Zero cost when you are not using it.
How to use
Requires xclip
or wl-clipboard
under GUI linux.
Clone this repo to the same location on two machines. Either relative to ~
or /
Prepend isomorphic-copy/bin
to your PATH
for example:
export PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isomorphic-copy/bin:$PATH"
in your bash/zshrc
You need to do this on both local and remote.
Automatically most applications that use xclip
, wl-clipboard
, pbcopy
and so forth will use isomorphic-copy
with zero setup.
Works just like python virtualenv
I added two convenience functions:
You don't have to use these. Things like pbcopy
and pbpaste
will continue to work.
echo <my message> | c
Use c
to copy to system clipboard
p > my_message.txt
Use p
to paste from system clipboard
Connect to remote with one of
cssh <ssh-args>
cdocker <docker container name>
Once daemon is launched, remote copy will propagate to local system clipboard.
Remote applications that use xclip
, pbcopy
, wl-copy
will propagate to local system clipboard.
Local -> SSH -> Docker
If you want to copy from a Docker
container on a remote machine.
from local run cssh <ssh-args>
to remote
from remote run cdocker <container name / sha>
to container
And you are set!
Copy will automatically propagate to local / remote tmux clipboard.
If daemon is run under tmux, copy will also propagate to the local tmux clipboard.
If no system clipboard is available, copy / paste will use tmux clipboard.
Copying FROM tmux will require this snippet.
set -g mouse on
bind -T copy-mode MouseDragEnd1Pane \
send-keys -X stop-selection
bind -T copy-mode MouseDown1Pane \
select-pane \;\
send-keys -X copy-pipe "c" \;\
send-keys -X clear-selection
Drag to select, click in dragged area to copy.
Replace copy-mode
with copy-mode-vi
if you are using vi emulation.
Neovim will only use xclip
if the x11 environmental variable DISPLAY
is set.
Vim will require an autocmd event.
Add this snippet to your vimrc
, to work for both vims.
if has('nvim')
" use unnamedplus only! or else will double set
set clipboard=unnamedplus
if getenv('DISPLAY') == v:null
exe setenv('DISPLAY', 'FAKE')
autocmd TextYankPost * call system("c", getreg('"'))
Most CLI applications will work out of the box. (such as lazygit, for example).
If not, check if they require DISPLAY
like Neovim.
If no system / tmux clipboard is found, setting environmental variable ISOCP_USE_FILE=1
will enable using a temp file as a crude clipboard.
It will write inside the git repo, put it somewhere safe.