Jeppe Zapp
Jeppe Zapp
I don't think it would be of much benefit, since Markdown just generates HTML, and that would just be noise in the JSON format that we're following: However, we...
@christianlupus I see your point, that might work. That also makes markdown optional, which is nice. In most cases though, the recipes are fetched from a remote resource presenting HTML,...
@christianlupus yeah, it's [this]( line, which uses [this]( method. If we want to preserve the formatting from fetched HTML, we might as well use [this]( library to convert it to...
@christianlupus just to summarise the solution for this issue: 1. We store `recipeInstructions` as an array of arrays, making sure that at least the `text` field is present in each...
@MacLemon actually, this doesn't seem feasible, as we are checking for unique recipe names, and if a recipe by the exact same name as the requested one already exists, we...
@mcorteel @Githopp192 The problem seems to be that images that are too large for the screen are not accommodated very well, they just sort of stick out to the right....
@geeseven thank you for suggesting solutions, it's very appreciated. I'd prefer not generating more files, but I don't see anything wrong with pretty printing the JSON. If you want, you...
@mcorteel alright, it would make sense, then, to export the files both as JSON and markdown, if it even grants Kookbook compatibillity.
@mcorteel You're right, it could be problematic to have both at the same time. Like, if you edit one of the files, which recipe is the right one? I suppose...
@sparagi The reason we're using the format is that it's the most portable, as it is the de facto recipe format on the internet. Unless a superior format suddenly...