Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya

Results 39 comments of Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya

[Guide for translation](https://support.google.com/l10n/answer/6227218?hl=en)

√ [Brazil-Portuguese added](https://github.com/mrvivacious/PorNo-_Porn_Blocker/commit/a5f79a3f9b9d18972e039e9893302d300ea4e97e)

Email: "Translate into Russian" Next assignment!

when this is done, reply to the email that told me about this lmao (dec 11 2021)

omg i just made a duplicate of https://github.com/mrvivacious/PorNo-_Porn_Blocker/issues/25 dang

respond to email when implemented (oct 10 2021)

Made an `archive/` folder. Moved porNo_opensource file to that. Put pictures in `pictures/` for the time being

for the Readme, Contact me: add button to email me [email protected]. Use mailto (html) Link to my instagram and welcome DM Edit the URL lists: explain where the urls live....

Thank you for opening the issue. Does the site have any porn / nsfw at all? I will remove this site and let you know when I push an update...

From [BlockerX store listing:](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blockerx-block-distractin/jkkfeklkdokfnlfodkdafododleokdoa?hl=en) ``` Unlimited Keywords and Websites: Besides the usual adult content, you can input unlimited websites and keywords in the respective box to add them to the...