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Stock trading strategy back-tester



Running will perform a run of the script. The output will be a plot of the back-test.

Each run of the back-tester will use specified trading strategies to maintain a portfolio of stock over the specified timeframe. The results of all the strategies are plotted to be compared to each other and to the results of a "buy and hold" strategy on the S&P500 using the same amount of money.

Run description

  1. Pull test ticker and S&P500 data from Yahoo! Finance or cache file created by process.

    • Changing the cache boolean to False will make the process pull fresh every run.
    • Cache folder and subfolders for each ticker will be created if necessary.
    • Partially complete cache data will be filled in from Yahoo! Finance.
      • If cache had data from '2017-01-01'-'2018-01-01' for a ticker and user requested data from '2017-01-01'-'2018-06-01' for the same ticker, process will pull data for '2018-01-01'-'2018-06-01' from Yahoo! Finance and update the stored cache file.
  2. Derive indicators from the raw data.

    • Done in the script.
    • Currently implemented indicators:
      • Daily price difference ($)
      • Daily price difference (%)
      • MACD and signal line
  3. Run a "buy and hold" strategy on the S&P500 data

    • Buy and hold strategy buys all possible stock on the first day of run and holds through the run
  4. Run the add_strategies function on the DataFrame to add data for any specified custom strategies.

    • Each 'strategy' lives in its own python script in the strategies folder.
    • A strategy follows the format below:
      • Iterate through a zip of any columns that'll be required for the strategy. For example:
        • MACD strategy iterates through zip(df['macd'], df['macd_signal'], df['Close']) as the strategy uses the MACD, the MACD's signal line and the day's Close price for each update.
    • Currently included strategies:
      • Buy and Hold strategy - Buys as much stock as possible immediately, holds for rest of run.
      • MACD Crossover Strategy
        • Relevant indicators:
          • MACD line == (12-day EMA - 26-day EMA)
          • Signal line == (9-day EMA of MACD)
        • When the MACD crosses above the signal line, its considered a bullish crossover.
        • When the MACD crosses below the signal line, its considered a bearish crossover.
        • In this strategy, the bot will buy and sell depending on whether a day is part of a bullish or bearish crossover at Close.
      • Scaled MACD Crossover Strategy
        • This strategy is the same as the MACD Crossover strategy except it buys/sells a set number of stock each day instead of 1.
      • Faded Scaled MACD Crossover Strategy
        • It doesn't appear this strategy preforms as well as normal scaled_MACD but feel free to try it.
        • This strategy is the same as the Scaled MACD crossover except instead of buying a set number per day, it has a constantly incremented current_scale factor.
          • This number is increased on bullish days and decreased on bearish days.
          • It is also used as the number of stock to buy on any given day.
  5. Print net_worth columns to the console.

  6. Run the plotting function (

    • Relevant arguments are listed below:
      • save_image
        • By default this is blank and no image is saved
        • If its anything other than blank, the string will be used as the file name for an image of the plot.
      • names
        • List of strategy names from the add_strategies() function
    • The plotting function uses the names list to generate a twinx axis for each strategy.
    • Plots the net_worth of each strategy as time goes on.
      • Plots the S&P500 one a bit differently so its more of a benchmark.
    • Dynamically scales the Y axis based on the max and min values that appear in the run.
    • Adds an annotation with info on each strategy to the left side.

To do

  • Add more strategies.