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A very simple Task Management web app written with Django Admin

.. image::

Django Coleman

Django Coleman: A very simple Task Management web app written with Django Admin.


  • Simple task manager that allows to define a tasks with title, partner (customer, provider...), description, responsible of the task, priority...
  • Each task may have items: sub-tasks to be done.
  • The built-in Django Authentication and Authorization system to manage users and groups, login, etc.
  • Module django-adminfilters <>_ that allows multiselection searches.
  • Send emails when a task is created.
  • Spanish translations.
  • Basic Rest API configuration (disabled by default, check the INSTALLED_APPS setting).
  • Optionally, you can use Django Coleman along with Django Coleman Viewer <>_ to allows users to follow the orders.
  • Pytest with some tests as example and code coverage reports configured.
  • Docker and Docker Compose configurations (images published in Docker Hub <>_).
  • Ready to use "production" configurations as reference.

.. image:: docs/source/_static/img/django-coleman.png :alt: Django Coleman


Docker, or:

  • Python 3.6+ (tested with Python 3.6 and 3.10).
  • Django 3.2 LTS and other dependencies declared in the requirements.txt file (use virtual environments or containers!).
  • A Django compatible database like PostgreSQL (by default uses the Python's built-in SQLite database for development purpose).

Install and Run

Using Docker, check the section below. Otherwise:

Create a virtual environment and activate it with (Optional)::

$ python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies with::

$ pip install --upgrade pip wheel
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database with::

$ python3 makemigrations
$ python3 makemigrations partner mtasks
$ python3 migrate

To create an admin user::

$ python3 createsuperuser

Then run in development mode with::

$ python3 runserver

Add at the end 0:5000 if you want to open the port 5000 instead of the default 8000, and the 0: prefix is to let Django accepts connection outside localhost (optional).

Or use the following script to startup in "production" mode, with a uWSGI server::

$ uwsgi uwsgi.ini

Procfile and Honcho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The project also include a <Procfile>, ready to use in platforms that support it like Heroku, or with command line tools like Honcho <> or Foreman.

Honcho has the advantage of loading the environment variables from an .env file automatically (see section below). To install it execute pip3 install honcho. Once installed, to run the app with Honcho::

$ honcho start web

There are other shortcuts in the Procfile, like a command to create both the user and database (you have to provide the "master" password from the user "postgres" in an env variable)::

$  POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres honcho start createdb

And here is the command to automatically creates an "admin" user with password "admin1234"::

$ honcho start createadmin


A reference <Dockerfile>_ is provided, and the image published in Docker Hub <>_.

Also <docker-compose.yml>_ and <.env.example>_ files are provided, you can run all from here, Django Coleman, the viewer app and Postgres.

First, copy the .env.example file as .env file, and edit whatever value you want to::

$ cp .env.example .env

Then before run for the first time the containers, you have to either download the images from Docker Hub or build them from the source code. To build the images from the source code, execute::

$ docker-compose build

Or to get the images from Docker Hub, execute::

$ docker-compose pull

Once the images are installed in your local machine, create the containers and run all of them with::

$ docker-compose up

The first time it runs some errors about the DB are shown, that's because you need to create the DB and the structure (tables, indexes), all can be created in another terminal executing::

$ docker-compose run django-coleman-provision

Even a user admin with password admin1234 is created.

Access the apps and the DB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The URL to access the app is the same than running it with Python locally: http://localhost:8000/admin/ .

Once created an order, if the id is 1, it can be viewed by the viewer with http://localhost:8888/1?t=porgs .

If you want to then open a psql session for the DB from the containers: docker-compose run psql.

Local persistence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

By default a local volume django-coleman_data is attached to the Postgres container so even executing docker-compose down won't delete the data, but if you want to start from scratch::

$ docker-compose down
$ docker volume rm pg-coleman_data

Add changes in the code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

When adding changes in the code, the image needs to be updated::

$ docker-compose build

Then run again. A script with more advance features and without using docker-compose is also provided to re-build the image.


Most settings can be overwritten with environment variables. For example to overwrite the language translations of the application and set debug options to false::

$ DEBUG=False LANGUAGE_CODE=es-ar python3 runserver

Also in development environments an .env file can be used to setup the environment variables easily, checkout the <.env.example>_ as example. You can copy the example file and edit the variables you want to change::

$ cp .env.example .env $ vi .env

Some available settings:

  • DEBUG: set the Django DEBUG option. Default True.
  • TIME_ZONE: default UTC. Other example: America/Buenos_Aires.
  • LANGUAGE_CODE: default en-us. Other example: es-ar.
  • SITE_HEADER: Header title of the app. Default to "Django Coleman - A Simple Task Manager".
  • DATABASE_URL: Database string connection. Default uses SQLite database. Other example: postgresql://dcoleman:postgres@localhost/dcoleman_dev.
  • More settings like email notifications, check the file for more details, any variable that is set with env('... is able to be configured using environment variables.

To run in a production environment, check the <README-production.rst>_ notes, or see the official Django documentation.

Access the application

Like any Django app developed with Django Admin, enter with: http://localhost:8000/admin


Tests run with Pytest::

$ pytest

Or use the Honcho task that also generates a report with the tests coverage: honcho start --no-prefix test.

Django Coleman Viewer

Django Coleman Viewer <>_ is a small webapp that can be used along with Django Coleman to allow "partners" (customers, employees, providers...) to see their orders anonymously, without access to the Django Admin.

You need to enable the email notifications and set TASKS_VIEWER_ENABLED and REST_ENABLED settings to True to send the emails with the viewer order URL. See more configurations in the coleman/ file, and checkout the viewer project.

.. image::


Some tips if you are improving this application.

Translations ^^^^^^^^^^^^

After add to the source code new texts to be translated, in the command line go to the module folder where the translations were edited, e.g. the "mtasks" folder, and execute the following replacing LANG by a valid language code like es::

$ django-admin makemessages -l LANG

Then go to the .po file and add the translations. In the case of the "mtasks" module with es language, the file is located at mtasks/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po. Finally execute the following to compile the locales::

$ django-admin compilemessages

Oldest Django versions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The master branch works with Django 3.2 LTS. The are a few more branches (though unmaintained):

  • django/2.2
  • django/2.0
  • django/1.11

With the source code that works for each version of Django, and maybe tweaking some configurations can works with older versions too.

Some screenshots

.. image:: docs/source/_static/img/django-coleman-task-change.png :alt: Django Coleman - Task Chance View

.. image:: docs/source/_static/img/django-coleman-task-change-mobile.png :alt: Django Coleman - Task Chance View, mobile version



Authors: (2017-2022) Mariano Ruiz [email protected]

License: AGPL-v3