Takumi Muraishi
Takumi Muraishi
1. enviroment -> enviro `n` ment 2. min `tu` es -> minutes 3. insted -> inste `a` d 4. satu `a` ration -> saturation 5. simultaneousy -> simultaneous `l` y...
### Describe Your Request Buttons and server icons are covered and have low visibility. ### Approach - Place a semi-transparent or normal View in the background of the button. -...
## Outline Fixed unnatural Japanese.
Does Sketch SDK support Privacy Manifest? Quoted [Apple official website](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_data_use_in_privacy_manifests) > Important Third-party SDKs need to provide their own privacy manifest files that record the types of data they collect....
## Overview I would like to submit a Pull Request to correct a typo I found while researching the [required reason API](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_use_of_required_reason_api) in response to Privacy Manifest. (Privacy Manifest対応で[required reason...
1. enviro ` ` ments -> environments 2. ou ` ` put -> output 3. tim ` ` out -> timeout (updated)
1. enviro ` ` ments -> environments 2. assign `e` ment -> assignment 3. dacl `e` red -> declared related PR - https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise/pull/951
1. so `ru` ce -> source 2. pa ` ` ty -> party 3. repo ` ` ted -> reported
1. pa `c` ient -> patient 2. Lic `nsen` e -> License 3. Develop `p` er -> Developer 4. Prerequisit ` ` -> Prerequisite 5. sho ` ` ld ->...