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Twitch cumulative subscritions
Since the twitch change cumulative subs, we have been noticing subscribers coming through as "new" that we remember as definitely having subbed before. I thought it might be an issue with my sub slideshow system, but I see the site has the same thing happening on the notification page. For example The_Passerby is a username I recognize, but LRRbot is reporting them as new and in the lrrbot events notifications they show up as a "twitch-subscription" instead of a resubscription. Is this an issue with how twitch sends the events, or is there something we can to change to make the cumulative counts come through properly?
The notification for The_Passerby's last subscription was sent at 2019-03-12 01:10:23.510895+01. They have subscribed before: once in 2016 and once in 2017. The subscription notice was:
@badges=subscriber/24,premium/1;color=#8A2BE2;display-name=The_Passerby;emotes=;flags=;id=2f5ecbb1-6a2d-4e2f-898a-ff77f9b1c268;login=the_passerby;mod=0;msg-id=sub;msg-param-cumulative-months=0;msg-param-months=0;msg-param-should-share-streak=0;msg-param-sub-plan-name=LoadingReadyRunners;msg-param-sub-plan=Prime;room-id=27132299;subscriber=1;system-msg=The_Passerby\ssubscribed\swith\sTwitch\sPrime.;tmi-sent-ts=1552349423387;user-id=72953710;user-type= USERNOTICE #loadingreadyrun
The month count is 0.
Maybe it's because of Twitch Prime?
I was hoping it was something simple like twitch-subscription events being processed differently from twitch-resubscription events, but if twitch is reporting a cumulative months of 0, then I guess the problem is on their end :(