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Support for OwnCloud
It would be really nice to have support not only for Dropbox but also OwnCloud [1].
[1] http://owncloud.org/
Agreed, hoping to get around to this eventually.
I've done some changes recently that makes it relatively easy to add new cloud providers. Hopefully this means me or someone else will plug in OwnCloud support in the future.
That's great news! I deleted my dropbox account some time ago so right now I can only use Encdroid locally. However, accessing cloud storage is where this tool really shines.
Btw: as there is no paid version, do you accept donations somewhere?
Thanks for your kind words, I don't really do Encdroid for money, but if you really want to donate and you have a flattr account you can use: https://flattr.com/thing/1304099/About. If you don't have a flattr account that's fine, you can instead donate to another worthy cause :)