terraform-provider-keycloak copied to clipboard
Deletion error for authorization_scope and authorization_resource
- Keycloak Provider Version: 3.0.1
- Terraform Version: 0.13.0
- Keycloak Version: 10.0.1
I am encountering an error when attempting to delete a keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope
resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope" "scope" {
for_each = var.scopes
realm_id = var.realm.id
resource_server_id = var.resource_server.resource_server_id
name = each.value.scope_name
display_name = each.value.scope_name
resource "keycloak_openid_client_role_policy" "policy" {
for_each = var.scopes
realm_id = var.realm.id
resource_server_id = var.resource_server.resource_server_id
name = "${each.value.scope_name} policy"
decision_strategy = "UNANIMOUS"
logic = "POSITIVE"
type = "role"
dynamic "role" {
for_each = each.value.roles
content {
id = var.roles[role.value].id
required = false
resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_resource" "authorization-resource" {
realm_id = var.realm.id
resource_server_id = var.resource_server.resource_server_id
name = var.resource_name
display_name = var.resource_name
scopes = [for x in keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope.scope : x.name]
resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_permission" "permission" {
for_each = var.scopes
realm_id = var.realm.id
resource_server_id = var.resource_server.resource_server_id
name = "${each.value.scope_name} permission"
type = "scope"
policies = [
resources = [
scopes = [
Module Variables:
variable "realm" {
type = object({
id = string
realm = string
description = "Realm resource that this client belongs to"
variable "resource_server" {
type = object({
resource_server_id = string
description = "Server that the authorization resources belongs to"
variable "resource_name" {
type = string
variable "roles" {
type = map(object({ id = string }))
variable "scopes" {
type = map(object({
scope_name = string
roles = list(string)
description = "Map of scopes which will add a policy and permission for each"
default = {}
Terraform Plan:
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
- destroy
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_permission.permission["route-posting-edit"] will be destroyed
- resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_permission" "permission" {
- decision_strategy = "UNANIMOUS" -> null
- id = "5a759539-0b5a-4869-8c6c-c0ef2ee796ff" -> null
- name = "routePosting:edit permission" -> null
- policies = [
- "2868193d-a2f5-44e7-b7a4-dd0c5bdc711f",
] -> null
- realm_id = "mastermind" -> null
- resource_server_id = "4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc" -> null
- resources = [
- "cfe7d70b-0a92-426a-8bf8-0f42cb6fd4b1",
] -> null
- scopes = [
- "e67a4cda-0372-4cc7-bc80-4badb9b43d69",
] -> null
- type = "scope" -> null
# module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_resource.authorization-resource will be updated in-place
~ resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_resource" "authorization-resource" {
attributes = {}
display_name = "RoutePosting"
id = "cfe7d70b-0a92-426a-8bf8-0f42cb6fd4b1"
name = "RoutePosting"
owner_managed_access = false
realm_id = "mastermind"
resource_server_id = "4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc"
~ scopes = [
- "routePosting:edit",
uris = []
# module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope.scope["route-posting-edit"] will be destroyed
- resource "keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope" "scope" {
- display_name = "routePosting:edit" -> null
- id = "e67a4cda-0372-4cc7-bc80-4badb9b43d69" -> null
- name = "routePosting:edit" -> null
- realm_id = "mastermind" -> null
- resource_server_id = "4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc" -> null
# module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_role_policy.policy["route-posting-edit"] will be destroyed
- resource "keycloak_openid_client_role_policy" "policy" {
- decision_strategy = "UNANIMOUS" -> null
- id = "2868193d-a2f5-44e7-b7a4-dd0c5bdc711f" -> null
- logic = "POSITIVE" -> null
- name = "routePosting:edit policy" -> null
- realm_id = "mastermind" -> null
- resource_server_id = "4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc" -> null
- type = "role" -> null
- role {
- id = "0c407a0d-a21b-4447-a7ed-95666d3bf410" -> null
- required = false -> null
- role {
- id = "4e182e08-b85b-45c8-9958-8455df8cf0fe" -> null
- required = false -> null
- role {
- id = "6b1530cd-e0ac-4080-8517-8024d3ab8089" -> null
- required = false -> null
- role {
- id = "94a050f7-3386-4cde-82af-6cbd243f263d" -> null
- required = false -> null
- role {
- id = "ab8e6164-7ed1-408c-91db-c477ed32a1af" -> null
- required = false -> null
- role {
- id = "b8cbc9b8-64cb-4639-94ae-9885e039c1eb" -> null
- required = false -> null
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 3 to destroy.
Terraform Apply:
module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_permission.permission["route-posting-edit"]: Destroying... [id=5a759539-0b5a-4869-8c6c-c0ef2ee796ff]
module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_permission.permission["route-posting-edit"]: Destruction complete after 0s
module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope.scope["route-posting-edit"]: Destroying... [id=e67a4cda-0372-4cc7-bc80-4badb9b43d69]
module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_role_policy.policy["route-posting-edit"]: Destroying... [id=2868193d-a2f5-44e7-b7a4-dd0c5bdc711f]
module.keycloak_tenant.module.keycloak_realm["mastermind"].module.permissions["route-posting"].keycloak_openid_client_role_policy.policy["route-posting-edit"]: Destruction complete after 0s
Error: error sending DELETE request to /auth/admin/realms/mastermind/clients/4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc/authz/resource-server/scope/e67a4cda-0372-4cc7-bc80-4badb9b43d69: 400 Bad Request. Response body: {"errorMessage":"Scopes can not be removed while associated with resources."}
Error: error sending DELETE request to /auth/admin/realms/mastermind/clients/4ccecf97-10c0-433f-aa2d-b9e8bdc415bc/authz/resource-server/scope/e67a4cda-0372-4cc7-bc80-4badb9b43d69: 400 Bad Request. Response body: {"errorMessage":"Scopes can not be removed while associated with resources."}
I believe the error is due to the order of operations when applying changes. The scope should be removed from the keycloak_openid_client_authorization_resource
before destroying keycloak_openid_client_authorization_scope
I have also attempted to explicitly set depends_on
and even create_before_destroy = true
with no luck. With create_before_destroy = true
I get the following error:
Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
When expanding the plan for
to include new values learned so far during apply, provider
"registry.terraform.io/mrparkers/keycloak" produced an invalid new value for
.scopes: actual set element cty.StringVal("routePosting:edit") does not
correlate with any element in plan.
This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.
Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
When expanding the plan for
to include new values learned so far during apply, provider
"registry.terraform.io/mrparkers/keycloak" produced an invalid new value for
.scopes: length changed from 1 to 2.
This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.