react-native-vision-camera icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-vision-camera copied to clipboard

Why does the front camera turn photos in horizontal mode and why I cannot make them vertically❓

Open VGabriel45 opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments


I am not sure if it is a bug or not but the front-camera behaves weird, I have react vision camera version 3.3.1 and when using front camera, after taking a picture, it takes that picture horizontally but I want it to be vertical. My phone orientation is vertical. I can't find a way to make the picture vertical.

What I tried

I tried to set orientation on PhotoFile but it doesn't change anything also on ReanimatedCamera.

VisionCamera Version


Additional information

VGabriel45 avatar Nov 02 '23 12:11 VGabriel45

Any update on this or any workaround?

askynet avatar Nov 04 '23 16:11 askynet

Any update on this or any workaround?

Nothing yet

VGabriel45 avatar Nov 06 '23 09:11 VGabriel45

Same problem with v3.6.4

But Orientation is a pinned issue, so the problem seems far to be corrected within the package...

JB712 avatar Nov 08 '23 10:11 JB712

It's weird.

The code that decides the orientation of the taken photo is here.

I've tried modifying that line to some explicit JPEG_ORIENTATION values, like captureRequest.set(CaptureRequest.JPEG_ORIENTATION, 90) I found that the photo taken by the front camera didn't get affected by the value(90 above) at all, while the back camera worked properly ,which means that the changes in JPEG_ORIENTATION value actually rotated the taken photos. I used Galaxy S21 to test it and I'm confused if it's a bug in the device or we are missing somthing.

bglgwyng avatar Nov 09 '23 06:11 bglgwyng

Could you guys report your Android devices please? @VGabriel45 @JB712 @askynet I'm using Galaxy S21.

bglgwyng avatar Nov 09 '23 06:11 bglgwyng

For me it is not working on any device, the issue is only on front camera for some reason

VGabriel45 avatar Nov 09 '23 07:11 VGabriel45

I have same problem with 'front' camera in Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite device.

PhotoFile: json{"height": 1728, "isMirrored": true, "isRawPhoto": false, "orientation": "landscape-right", "path": "/data/user/0/", "width": 2304}

Is there any solution to rotate existing image via orientation info?

Alnyli07 avatar Nov 09 '23 15:11 Alnyli07

@bglgwyng I'm working mostly on emulated Pixel 2 in windows environnement.

I think there's a workaround possible with react-native-orientation-locker: it provides device precise orientation (not only portrait/landscape, but landscape-left, landscape-right, portrait-upsidedown, ...) and it can lock some components in specific orientations. I did choose to lock my camera page on portrait orientation as it is easier to implement, but I'll try the other one when I have time

JB712 avatar Nov 09 '23 16:11 JB712

Video of the issue with Samsung Galaxy A13. I am using using camera roll to save the picture as per mentioned by the documentation. I am using the front camera.


const photo = await cameraRef.current?.takePhoto({
  qualityPrioritization: 'speed',
const photoPath = `file://${photo?.path}`;
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
  await, {
    type: 'photo',


PierreCapo avatar Nov 22 '23 15:11 PierreCapo

Oh it probably may be related to

PierreCapo avatar Nov 22 '23 15:11 PierreCapo

I made a little fix by determining the orientation of image and then rotating the image by using image-resizer

const handleCapture = async () => {
    if (camera) {
      const image = await camera.current!.takePhoto({
        qualityPrioritization: 'speed',
      await handleRotation(image);
  const handleRotation = async (image: PhotoFile) => {

    let output = await ImageResizer.createResizedImage(
      'file://' + image.path,
      image.orientation === 'landscape-left'
        ? 90
        : image.orientation === 'landscape-right'
        ? -90
        : image.orientation === 'portrait-upside-down'
        ? 180
        : 0,

    // your further processing

ImageResizer can be import from

umar-stride-studio avatar Dec 08 '23 13:12 umar-stride-studio

i am having the same issue recording videos on front cam works fine but clicking images have issues..i am making a camera app even tho if i rotate the image somehow in the image display screen when i save it in my gallery the image orientation is not any of you have a fix?

hashhirr avatar Dec 18 '23 09:12 hashhirr

Closing this for now as this is the issue orientation is being tracked in:

mrousavy avatar Jan 15 '24 12:01 mrousavy

i use ffmpeg-kit-react-native library and write command function then i use Aspect Ratio scaling and i use following command command: static async reduceImage(payload: { path: string; ext?: string; }): Promise { const {path, ext = 'png'} = payload; const newPath = this.formatPath(path); const outputPath = ${newPath}_resized.${ext};

 const command = `-i ${path} -vf "scale=ih*9/16:ih" ${outputPath}`;
 await FFmpegKit.execute(command);

 return outputPath;


HaiNam362 avatar Jan 18 '24 03:01 HaiNam362

Hey all! I just spent some time to build a new feature: I created a PR to add a isMirrored prop to Camera:

With this prop you can enable or disable output mirroring 🎉🥳

If you appreciate my time and dedication towards building new features and constantly improving this library, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub :)

mrousavy avatar Jul 02 '24 10:07 mrousavy