react-native-mmkv icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-mmkv copied to clipboard

feat: V3 🫴

Open mrousavy opened this issue 11 months ago • 10 comments


react-native-mmkv V3 brings a ton of new features! 🥳

Bridgeless TurboModule

react-native-mmkv is now a bridgeless C++ TurboModule.

This means, there is no more Java or Objective-C code required for module initialization, everything is handled synchronously on the JS thread.

react-native-mmkv already was a JSI module before, so the performance improvements are only marginal.

But the codebase is now shared across iOS and Android, so the implementation is no longer duplicated! 🥳

New APIs: trim() and size

V3 adds two new APIs to react-native-mmkv:

  • trim(): Trim a MMKV storage unit. This can be called after deleting a bunch of keys (as deletions don't resize the storage), or when receiving a memory warning by the OS. You don't need to call this though.
  • size: Gets the current actual size of the storage unit, in bytes.


const storage = new MMKV()
if (storage.size >= 400) {

New config option: mode

A new option has been added to the MMKV constructor: mode.

mode can be one of two values:

  • Mode.SINGLE_PROCESS: The MMKV instance is only used from a single process (this app).
  • Mode.MULTI_PROCESS: The MMKV instance may be used from multiple processes, such as app clips, share extensions or background services.


const storage = new MMKV({
  id: 'shared-storage',
  mode: Mode.MULTI_PROCESS

Buffer improvements

The Buffer APIs have improved.

  1. Instead of Uint8Array, getBuffer(...) and set(.., buffer) now use ArrayBuffer as a type. If you want to write Uint8's, you can still use new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), but ArrayBuffer is the way to go in most cases.
  2. Performance improvements: The buffer APIs got much faster in 3 locations:
    1. ArrayBuffer is faster to use than Uint8Array/TypedArray
    2. set(key, buffer) now performs one less copy, which could yield huge performance improvements when working with larger buffers.
    3. getBuffer(...) now performs one less copy, which could yield huge performance improvements when working with larger buffers.

MMKV Core on iOS

Since react-native-mmkv V3 is now a cross-platform C++ TurboModule (or xplat/"CxxTurboModule"), we are also now using MMKV-Core instead of MMKV-iOS for the iOS codebase.

For simple values (such as numbers or booleans) this now uses C++ directly, instead of going through Objective-C/NSObjects. This could potentially lead to another performance gain.

Note: react-native-mmkv V3 requires react-native 0.74 or higher, and requires the new architecture (TurboModules/CodeGen) to be enabled.

For the sake of simplicity, there will be no backwards compatibility for old architecture (bridge), or RN <0.73.

mrousavy avatar Mar 25 '24 09:03 mrousavy

yarn.lock changes


Status Count
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word-wrap REMOVED 1.2.5 -
yaml UPDATED 1.10.2 2.4.1

github-actions[bot] avatar Mar 25 '24 09:03 github-actions[bot]

Currently stuck with this runtime error in Xcode:

dyld[41190]: Symbol not found: _objc_claimAutoreleasedReturnValue
  Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9C22A145-D026-444A-99F3-BEEA2E6979FB/
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib

mrousavy avatar Mar 25 '24 11:03 mrousavy

nvm - it runs on iOS! 🎉

now to Android...

mrousavy avatar Mar 25 '24 16:03 mrousavy

The dropping old arch support is kind of a good positive feedback.

Doubled issue and doing QA the package will be a nightmare to library authors.

The author and user should make support/use new arch each other for powerful migration with caution about breaking ecosystem.

Is it sounds like radical? nah 😀

mym0404 avatar Apr 05 '24 11:04 mym0404

Hi i try update react native to "0.74.0-rc.8" and react native mmkv to "3.0.0-beta.1". And when I rebuild app, and restart in dev debug, the app crash errors log at launch.

(NOBRIDGE) LOG Bridgeless mode is enabled (NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Failed to create a new MMKV instance: The native MMKV Module could not be found.

  • Make sure react-native-mmkv is correctly autolinked (run npx react-native config to verify)
  • Make sure gradle is synced.
  • Make sure you rebuilt the app. (NOBRIDGE) LOG Running "mazica" with {"rootTag":141,"initialProps":{},"fabric":true} (NOBRIDGE) ERROR Invariant Violation: "mazica" has not been registered. This can happen if:
  • Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.
  • A module failed to load due to an error and AppRegistry.registerComponent wasn't called.

I try disable bridgless, but still same log. it's my fault or it's bug ?

pigeonmal avatar Apr 13 '24 17:04 pigeonmal

I have no information at all from you, I need native logs, I maybe need you to put a breakpoint in the module initializer function, is this on iOS or Android? etc

mrousavy avatar Apr 14 '24 08:04 mrousavy

Sorry for the delay in getting back, I tried several settings on my own. First of all i'm on Android.

This is my package.json :

  1. I thought maybe it was because I was retrieving the value before the app had even finished loading. A getString function at the start of my App.tsx file. So I tried to retrieve its information in componentWillMount function inside App Class component, but same error.

  2. Try disable/enable bridgless

  3. Same error when I was in 0.73.6 , with bridgless true

  4. The error point to this call : export const storage = new MMKV({ id: 'global', encryptionKey: privateKey, });

  5. I try build the app (in release mode), same error. This is native log cat :

I don't know what I should do, if you have any other questions ask me

pigeonmal avatar Apr 16 '24 19:04 pigeonmal

@pigeonmal can you try with beta2?

mrousavy avatar Apr 29 '24 11:04 mrousavy

I try beta 2, the build don't work check logs :

I fixed that in node_modules files:

  1. node_modules/react-native-mmkv/react-native.config.js Modified cxxModuleCMakeListsPath to CMakeLists.txt
  2. Delete build folder in node_modules/react-native-mmkv/android/build/
  3. Rebuild

pigeonmal avatar Apr 29 '24 12:04 pigeonmal

Yea this seems like a bug in RN Community CLI. The path is wrong when rebuilding.

mrousavy avatar Apr 29 '24 12:04 mrousavy

CI is green! 🎉🟢😍

react-native-mmkv V3 is ready 💪

I am a bit hesitant on merging this to main because it requires the new architecture...

mrousavy avatar Apr 30 '24 15:04 mrousavy