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:hourglass: Elixir micro-benchmarking library
Benchwarmer is an Elixir micro-benchmarking utility that runs a function (or list of functions) repeatedly against a dataset for a period of time, and then reports on the average time each operation took to complete, allowing for easy comparison.
Benchwarmer was inspired by the built-in benchmark operations in the Go test library.
Add Benchwarmer to your mix.exs
dependencies with whatever published semantic version you'd like to depend on.
def deps do
[ { :benchwarmer, "~> x.y.z" } ]
You can simply pass an inline function, results will be pretty printed to screen as well as returned in a struct:
iex> Benchwarmer.benchmark fn -> 123456*654321 end
*** #Function<20.90072148/0 in :erl_eval.expr/5> ***
1.2 sec 2M iterations 0.61 μs/op
Comparing two different functions with the same data as an argument:
iex> alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
iex> Benchwarmer.benchmark [&String.first/1, &String.last/1], alphabet
*** &String.first/1 ***
1.9 sec 8M iterations 0.24 μs/op
*** &String.last/1 ***
1.9 sec 524K iterations 3.75 μs/op
[%Benchwarmer.Results{...}, %Benchwarmer.Results{...}]
Compared to other Elixir benchmarking tools
For TDD-style benchmarking, you should probably check out Benchfella, which I discovered after starting this project. It's quite good.
This library is a little more focused on quick comparative benchmarks in IEx, working without adding a single line of code to your actual project files.
Work in Progress
Please note this library is a work in progress, and the API will likely change.
Pull requests are welcome!