tsoa-serverless-example copied to clipboard
An example of tsoa usage with the serverless framework
TSOA Serverless Example
Integrates the awesome TSOA framework with Serverless for building sweet APIs in Lambda with no cold starts and lots of strongly typed goodness!
Run Locally
Make sure you have Serverless installed globally (npm install -g serverless
) and install the dependencies (npm install
), then you can:
npm run start
- This runs the TSOA pipeline, then builds the typescript using Serverless Webpack and serves it using Serverless Offline!
npm run debug
- Same as start, but launches with the debugger available for connection on port 5858. There's a launch.json for VSCode available that should allow you to just connect.
Deploy to AWS
npm run deploy-dev
- Deploys everything out to AWS to play around with. Obviously, this may cost you money. You'll need to run this twice if you want to play with the
swagger - npm run fix-swagger
will tweak the swagger.json appropriately, but only after it's been deployed once and we can get the ServiceEndpoint from the CloudFormation outputs. (I'd love a better way to do this if anyone has any ideas.)
Swagger UI
I don't have Swagger UI set up in the project, mostly because I really don't want to handle serving real HTML/JS assets (at least for now). If you want to play around with your API once you've got it up and running locally, just go to http://petstore.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:3000/swagger.json.