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SV caller for nanopore data
Hi, I am trying to use NanoSV to call SVs on a 7 Mbp region of chromosome 15. I am only interested in SVs longer than 250 kb. I have...
Hello, It is a very non-scientific side issue, I know, but ... please kindly give it a spin. Steffen ``` W: nanosv: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nanosv/bedfiles/human_hg19.bed W: nanosv: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nanosv/config.ini ```
Hello, I saw 1.2.4 in the comment, but if you could formally tag the releases on github then this would give some extra confidence and help users to describe what...
hi, I am trying to run NanoSV on my Nanopore data using the following command to generate the vcf file , but it ran for 2 weeks and no file...
Hi nanosv team, Is your tool compatible with human genome version hg38/GRCh378 ? If yes, did you produce the bed file for compute the coverage distribution with this genome and...