ZoteroQuickLook copied to clipboard
QuickLook can't work on Mac
1.3.3 release, install on My MacBook Pro(Mac OS 10.15.4). Press key table or the menu of "Quick Look", but the quick view can't work
I'm having spotty performance with Quick Look and the problem seems to be when there is a "snapshot" in the record. Basically, the subprogram for Quick Look seems to stall and crash whenever html webpage snapshot is the first item in the record. However, it has normal functionality when paging through a bunch of records that are just have PDFs as the linked files.
@ClaudLing, is this the same case with you? If it is, I would suggest the quick fix of ignoring the "Snapshot" in the program.
@keshovsharma I also have this problem which has troubled me for several days. When a html snapshot appears in front of the pdf file, the "QuickLook" always open the html files and crashed. It may be an effective way to ignore the html files or assign priority for pdfs.