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Feature request: add support for Vue.js single file component

Open nicothin opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

it would be great to get auto-completion of variables in single-file components Vue.js

  <!-- some code -->

<script lang="ts">
  // some code

<style lang="less" scoped>
  @import '@/styles/variables.less'; // File with variables for autocomplete (Including @padding-lg)
  // or @import '../styles/variables.less'; 
  // or <reference path="../styles/variables.less" />

  .selectorr {
    padding: @padding-lg; // It would be great to have autocomplete here when you type @

The author of the vetur refuses to implement this feature: https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/issues/2178

nicothin avatar Aug 27 '20 03:08 nicothin

Trying to get similar support in Volar - see https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/issues/783

theoephraim avatar Dec 13 '21 21:12 theoephraim

Sorry for bumping an old issue, but I have implemented vue support on my fork. It is also up on the marketplace under the id maticbabnik.vscode-less-vue. (link)

I mostly just copied the code from the SCSS extension. I might make a PR, but I need to fix the linter and dependencies first.

MaticBabnik avatar Jan 26 '23 13:01 MaticBabnik