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typescript-plugin-css-modules not work with scss features

Open TikkY-hash opened this issue 1 year ago • 10 comments

I download your plugin, and have some problems if I try use it with scss features image

TikkY-hash avatar Apr 03 '23 08:04 TikkY-hash

Hi @TikkY-hash, are you able to share more information? The plugin does work with SCSS - we have tests for that - but there may be something specific to your case.

Did you also follow the instructions in the README? https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules#installation

I'd be happy to help out more if you can provide a small reproduction repo :)

mrmckeb avatar Apr 10 '23 07:04 mrmckeb

As four our project it is a long-going issue caused by usage of import from node package @import '@blueprintjs/core/lib/scss/variables';

the file dont have anything very specific except !default directive

file contents:

 * Copyright 2023 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

$black: #111418 !default;

$dark-gray1: #1c2127 !default;
$dark-gray2: #252a31 !default;
$dark-gray3: #2f343c !default;
$dark-gray4: #383e47 !default;
$dark-gray5: #404854 !default;

$gray1: #5f6b7c !default;
$gray2: #738091 !default;
$gray3: #8f99a8 !default;
$gray4: #abb3bf !default;
$gray5: #c5cbd3 !default;

$light-gray1: #d3d8de !default;
$light-gray2: #dce0e5 !default;
$light-gray3: #e5e8eb !default;
$light-gray4: #edeff2 !default;
$light-gray5: #f6f7f9 !default;

$white: #ffffff !default;

$blue1: #184a90 !default;
$blue2: #215db0 !default;
$blue3: #2d72d2 !default;
$blue4: #4c90f0 !default;
$blue5: #8abbff !default;

$green1: #165a36 !default;
$green2: #1c6e42 !default;
$green3: #238551 !default;
$green4: #32a467 !default;
$green5: #72ca9b !default;

$orange1: #77450d !default;
$orange2: #935610 !default;
$orange3: #c87619 !default;
$orange4: #ec9a3c !default;
$orange5: #fbb360 !default;

$red1: #8e292c;
$red2: #ac2f33;
$red3: #cd4246;
$red4: #e76a6e;
$red5: #fa999c;

$vermilion1: #96290d !default;
$vermilion2: #b83211 !default;
$vermilion3: #d33d17 !default;
$vermilion4: #eb6847 !default;
$vermilion5: #ff9980 !default;

$rose1: #a82255 !default;
$rose2: #c22762 !default;
$rose3: #db2c6f !default;
$rose4: #f5498b !default;
$rose5: #ff66a1 !default;

$violet1: #5c255c !default;
$violet2: #7c327c !default;
$violet3: #9d3f9d !default;
$violet4: #bd6bbd !default;
$violet5: #d69fd6 !default;

$indigo1: #5642a6 !default;
$indigo2: #634dbf !default;
$indigo3: #7961db !default;
$indigo4: #9881f3 !default;
$indigo5: #bdadff !default;

$cerulean1: #1f4b99 !default;
$cerulean2: #2458b3 !default;
$cerulean3: #2965cc !default;
$cerulean4: #4580e6 !default;
$cerulean5: #669eff !default;

$turquoise1: #004d46 !default;
$turquoise2: #007067 !default;
$turquoise3: #00a396 !default;
$turquoise4: #13c9ba !default;
$turquoise5: #7ae1d8 !default;

$forest1: #1d7324 !default;
$forest2: #238c2c !default;
$forest3: #29a634 !default;
$forest4: #43bf4d !default;
$forest5: #62d96b !default;

$lime1: #43501b !default;
$lime2: #5a701a !default;
$lime3: #8eb125 !default;
$lime4: #b6d94c !default;
$lime5: #d4f17e !default;

$gold1: #5c4405 !default;
$gold2: #866103 !default;
$gold3: #d1980b !default;
$gold4: #f0b726 !default;
$gold5: #fbd065 !default;

$sepia1: #5e4123 !default;
$sepia2: #7a542e !default;
$sepia3: #946638 !default;
$sepia4: #af855a !default;
$sepia5: #d0b090 !default;
$pt-intent-primary: #2d72d2 !default;
$pt-intent-success: #238551 !default;
$pt-intent-warning: #c87619 !default;
$pt-intent-danger: #cd4246 !default;

$pt-app-background-color: #f6f7f9 !default;
$pt-dark-app-background-color: #252a31 !default;

$pt-outline-color: rgba(45, 114, 210, 0.6) !default;

$pt-text-color: #1c2127 !default;
$pt-text-color-muted: #5f6b7c !default;
$pt-text-color-disabled: rgba(95, 107, 124, 0.6) !default;
$pt-heading-color: #1c2127 !default;
$pt-link-color: #215db0 !default;
$pt-dark-text-color: #f6f7f9 !default;
$pt-dark-text-color-muted: #abb3bf !default;
$pt-dark-text-color-disabled: rgba(171, 179, 191, 0.6) !default;
$pt-dark-heading-color: #f6f7f9 !default;
$pt-dark-link-color: #8abbff !default;
$pt-text-selection-color: rgba(125, 188, 255, 60%) !default;

$pt-icon-color: #5f6b7c !default;
$pt-icon-color-hover: #1c2127 !default;
$pt-icon-color-disabled: rgba(95, 107, 124, 0.6) !default;
$pt-icon-color-selected: #2d72d2 !default;
$pt-dark-icon-color: #abb3bf !default;
$pt-dark-icon-color-hover: #f6f7f9 !default;
$pt-dark-icon-color-disabled: rgba(171, 179, 191, 0.6) !default;
$pt-dark-icon-color-selected: #2d72d2 !default;

$pt-divider-black: rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.15) !default;
$pt-dark-divider-black: rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.4) !default;
$pt-dark-divider-white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) !default;

$pt-code-text-color: #5f6b7c !default;
$pt-dark-code-text-color: #abb3bf !default;
$pt-code-background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) !default;
$pt-dark-code-background-color: rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.3) !default;
$ns: bp4;
$bp-ns: bp4;

$pt-grid-size: 10px !default;

$icons16-family: "blueprint-icons-16" !default;
$icons20-family: "blueprint-icons-20" !default;

$pt-icon-size-standard: 16px !default;
$pt-icon-size-large: 20px !default;

$pt-font-family: -apple-system, "BlinkMacSystemFont", "Segoe UI", "Roboto",
  "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue",
  "blueprint-icons-16", sans-serif !default;

$pt-font-family-monospace: monospace !default;

$pt-font-size: 10px * 1.4 !default;
$pt-font-size-large: 10px * 1.6 !default;
$pt-font-size-small: 10px * 1.2 !default;

$pt-line-height: 1.28581 !default;

$pt-border-radius: 2px !default;

$pt-button-height: 10px * 3 !default;
$pt-button-height-small: 10px * 2.4 !default;
$pt-button-height-smaller: 10px * 2 !default;
$pt-button-height-large: 10px * 4 !default;

$pt-input-height: 10px * 3 !default;
$pt-input-height-large: 10px * 4 !default;
$pt-input-height-small: 10px * 2.4 !default;

$pt-navbar-height: 10px * 5 !default;

$pt-z-index-base: 0 !default;
$pt-z-index-content: 0 + 10 !default;
$pt-z-index-overlay: 0 + 10 + 10 !default;
$pt-z-index-dialog-header: 0 + 10 + 10 + 10 !default;

$pt-border-shadow-opacity: 0.1 !default;
$pt-drop-shadow-opacity: 0.2 !default;
$pt-dark-border-shadow-opacity: 0.1 * 2 !default;
$pt-dark-drop-shadow-opacity: 0.2 * 2 !default;

$pt-elevation-shadow-0: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.15) !default;
$pt-elevation-shadow-1: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 1px 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-elevation-shadow-2: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 1px 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 2px 6px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-elevation-shadow-3: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-elevation-shadow-4: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 4px 8px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 18px 46px 6px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;

$pt-dark-elevation-shadow-0: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) !default;
$pt-dark-elevation-shadow-1: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 1px 1px 0 rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-elevation-shadow-2: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 1px 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2), 0 2px 6px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-elevation-shadow-3: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-elevation-shadow-4: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 4px 8px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2), 0 18px 46px 6px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;

$pt-transition-ease: cubic-bezier(0.4, 1, 0.75, 0.9) !default;
$pt-transition-ease-bounce: cubic-bezier(0.54, 1.12, 0.38, 1.11) !default;
$pt-transition-duration: 100ms !default;

$pt-input-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2),
  inset 0 1px 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.5) !default;

$pt-dialog-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-popover-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-tooltip-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.1),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;
$pt-toast-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2) !default;

$pt-dark-input-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  inset 0 -1px 1px 0 #8f99a8 !default;
$pt-dark-input-intent-box-shadow-colors: (
  "primary": #4c90f0,
  "success": #32a467,
  "warning": #ec9a3c,
  "danger": #e76a6e,
) !default;

$pt-dark-dialog-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-popover-border-color: hsl(215deg, 3%, 38%) !default;
$pt-dark-popover-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px hsl(215deg, 3%, 38%),
  inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2),
  0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-tooltip-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2),
  0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;
$pt-dark-toast-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2),
  0 2px 4px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2), 0 8px 24px rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.2 * 2) !default;

$pt-high-contrast-mode-border-color: buttonborder;
$pt-high-contrast-mode-active-background-color: highlight;
$pt-high-contrast-mode-active-text-color: highlight;
$pt-high-contrast-mode-disabled-border-color: graytext;
$pt-high-contrast-mode-disabled-text-color: graytext;
$pt-high-contrast-mode-disabled-background-color: graytext;

xobotyi avatar Apr 20 '23 15:04 xobotyi

What @xobotyi is describing seems to be similar to my issue: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules/issues/224

it appears that using external modules in a file (aka non local project mixins that may come from node_modules rather than imports from local to the project file system files) are breaking the type hinting and showing TS errors.

as for the original comment on this issue, I can also confirm that other than what I described above, this plug-in works great with Sass.

reintroducing avatar Apr 26 '23 02:04 reintroducing

I'm facing similar issue after upgrade to latest TS even on very simple files.

Simple file without scss @import (src/Components/Editor/editor.module.scss)

.editor {
    width: 100%;

    &-nested {
        color: blue;

produces this type: изображение

Same file with absolute import of _rootColors.scss file that only contains 1 test variable (src/_rootColors.scss)

This syntax

@import "src/rootColors";

produces empty type: изображение

While this

@import "src/_rootColors";

produces normal type: изображение

If I copy _rootColors.scss next to editor.module.scss (_src/Components/Editor) and use relative import both @import "rootColors" and @import "_rootColors" variants produce normal type.

I'm not sure but I think the problem can be related to some of this scss features. изображение изображение Because in my case plugin fails only for absolute imports without _.

Replacing @import with @use doesn't change anything

I'm using typescipt "5.0.4" and plugin "5.0.1". Everything was on fine on TS 4.* and 4.* plugin versions.

Dear @mrmckeb, provided some investigation, hope it'll help...

Sc222 avatar Apr 28 '23 13:04 Sc222

I have this problem only when I try use media queries with css variables. Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 18 38 39 Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 18 40 14 Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 18 42 44 Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 18 43 14

TikkY-hash avatar May 17 '23 15:05 TikkY-hash

Having the same issue as @TikkY-hash, if the scss module contains any type of media queries, the plugin stop working.

the file with media queries image

the import image

the usage image

LeoCaprile avatar May 29 '23 21:05 LeoCaprile

I did some research on the code provided by @TikkY-hash, looks like he have a syntax error on his media query thats why the plugin dont transform correctly:


following the code provided by @TikkY-hash


here's some media queries examples in scss, using variables:

$small: 300px;
$medium: 900px;

.smth {
  //some CSS
  @media screen and (max-width: $small) {
    //do Smth
  @media screen and (min-width: $medium) {
    //do Smth

LeoCaprile avatar May 30 '23 00:05 LeoCaprile

If I use the @use directive, the plugin refuses to work. Is there any news in this direction?

Property 'betaFlag' does not exist on type '{}'.ts(2339)

image image

yslpn avatar Oct 19 '23 10:10 yslpn

Hi @yslpn, are you able to provide a minimal reproduction?

Even if it's just a new Next.js project (or your preferred framework) set up to demonstrate the failure, that will help me to track down the issue.

mrmckeb avatar Oct 23 '23 07:10 mrmckeb

If you're having issues with @import not working in vscode for path aliases, it was added in #105 . To make it work you need to ensure the file name matches what exists in the fs. I.e:

  1. for partials (@alias/_filename)
  2. For regular files (@alias/filename)
  3. For css modules (@alias/filename.module)


  1. fixture with the imports: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules/blob/80d13619d338462de6430495306e88f1444af5d4/src/helpers/tests/fixtures/tsconfig-paths.module.scss
  2. Test with the path definition: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules/blob/80d13619d338462de6430495306e88f1444af5d4/src/helpers/tests/getDtsSnapshot.test.ts#L213

islami00 avatar Dec 10 '23 17:12 islami00

I have a similar issue with this error Property 'wrapper' does not exist on type '{}'.ts(2339). I'm using next and I'm not sure what additional information I can provide that would help, than below:

This problem occurs when I try to use a variable that is imported in every file using the solution below (so I don't have to manually @import... everywhere).


/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  sassOptions: {
    additionalData: `@import "src/app/variables.module.scss";`,
  output: 'standalone',

module.exports = nextConfig;

the full file which I import in my components that causes the issue:

.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  column-gap: 8%;
  justify-content: space-between;

  @media screen and (max-width: $media-query-sm) {
    flex-direction: column;

murm avatar Feb 07 '24 16:02 murm

Hi @murm, you'll need to configure this plugin the same way. You should be able to use additionalData as explained in the README for this plugin: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules?tab=readme-ov-file#options

mrmckeb avatar Feb 11 '24 07:02 mrmckeb

We've had a contribution from @rmachado-studocu that should improve how we handle aliases, which hopefully resolves the remaining issues here: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules/pull/251

I've added a test today to confirm that @use is working as expected: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules/pull/258

If you're still experience issues after this release, I ask that you raise a new issue with a reproduction repo to help us to dig deeper - thanks!

mrmckeb avatar Feb 11 '24 10:02 mrmckeb

Hi @murm, you'll need to configure this plugin the same way. You should be able to use additionalData as explained in the README for this plugin: https://github.com/mrmckeb/typescript-plugin-css-modules?tab=readme-ov-file#options

That makes so much sense I'm embarrassed that I even asked. Thanks a lot! 🙏

murm avatar Feb 12 '24 14:02 murm

We only added it somewhat recently I think, don't stress!

Most of open source is troubleshooting - you should see the questions I've asked!

mrmckeb avatar Feb 12 '24 23:02 mrmckeb