deferred_config copied to clipboard
(older project) support '{:system...}' and ':apply {m,f,a}' patterns in OTP apps
Deferred Config
Stable but DEPRECATED, just because in the past few years Elixir itself has gained ample support for runtime config, built right in! release.exs
and other means -- so if you're coming here and wondering if this meets a need for you, you probably don't need it.
Seamless runtime config with one line of code. In
your application's start/2
method, call:
And now you and users of your application or library will be able to write config that is deferred to runtime, like the following:
config :otp_app_name,
http: %{ # nested config is ok
# common 'system tuple' pattern is fully supported
port: {:system, "PORT", {String, :to_integer}}
# more general 'mfa tuple' pattern is also supported
secret_key: {:apply, {MyKey, :fetch, ["arg"]}}
That's it.
- No 'mappings,' no special access methods -- just
keep using
. - Works for arbitrarily nested config.
- Works just as well when run with mix as it does
in releases built with
, or:relx
. - Lets library authors support the common "system tuples" pattern effortlessly.
Why this library?
See 'Rationale' for more detail. But
is string-only and
release-only, and {:system, ...}
support among
libraries is inconsistent and easy to get wrong in
ways that bite your users come release time -- in
other words, until now it's been a burden on
library authors. This library tries to make it
1 LOC to do the right thing.
There are other libraries to manage runtime config
(see list at end of readme) but using them is harder
as they add things -- like special config accessor functions,
and/or their own config files, or mappings, or DSLs. We don't
need to, because we rely on a ReplacingWalk
of an app's config during Application.start/2
, and
the only DSL are configuration patterns sourced from
the community, like system and mfa tuples.
In mix.exs,
defp deps, do: [{:deferred_config, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Then, in your application startup, add the following line:
defmodule Mine.Application do
def start(_type, _args) do
DeferredConfig.populate(:mine) # <---
Where the app name is :mine
Now, you and users of your app can configure as follows, and it'll work -- regardless of if they're running it from iex, or a release with env vars set:
config :mine,
# string from env var, or `nil` if missing.
port1: {:system, "PORT"},
# string from env var |> integer; `nil` if missing.
port2: {:system, "PORT", {String, :to_integer}},
# string from env var, or "4000" as default.
port3: {:system, "PORT", "4000"},
# converts env var to integer, or 4000 as default.
port4: {:system, "PORT", 4000, {String, :to_integer}}
Accessing config does not change. If you used
Application.get_env(:mine, :port1)
before, that will
keep working.
Since you can use arbitrary transformation functions, you can do advanced transformations if you need to:
# --- lib/mine/ip.ex
defmodule Mine.Ip do
@doc ":inet uses `{0,0,0,0}` for ipv4 addrs"
def str2ip(str) do
case :inet_parse:address(str) do
{:ok, ip = {_, _, _, _}} -> ip
{:error, _} -> nil
# --- config.exs
config :my_app,
port: {:system, "MY_IP", {127,0,0,1}, {Mine.Ip, :str2ip}
If you need even more control -- say, the source of your config isn't the system env, but a file in a directory, which is more secure in some use cases -- you can use the deferred MFA (module, function, arguments) form:
config :mine,
api_key: {:apply, {File, :read!, ["k.txt"]}}
Nested and arbitrary config should work.
Can be extended to recognize and transform
other kinds of config as well (DeferredConfig.populate/2
ie if there's a pattern like 'system tuples' that you
wanted to support, and {:apply, mfa}
was bad UX.
If you have another use case that this doesn't cover, please file an issue or reach out to
Note that this only applies to one OTP app's config. We can't (and shouldn't try to) monkey-patch every app's config; they all start up at different times.
This limitation applies to all approaches to runtime
config except REPLACE_OS_VARS
Mix configs don't always work like users would like when they build releases, whether with relx, exrm, distillery, or something else.
There are 3 approaches we'll look at to identify pain points:
for releases -
{:system, ...}
tuples for deferred config - Other runtime config libraries
1) REPLACE_OS_VARS is for releases only
The best-supported method
of injecting run-time configuration -- running the release
, supported
by distillery
, relx
and exrm
-- will result in
config like the following:
config :my_app, field: "${SOME_VAR}"
That works in all your config, for all apps you configure, even if the app doesn't do anything particular to support it.
Drawbacks of REPLACE_OS_VARS
- It only works when running a release.
Otherwise, your
will literally be"${DB_URL}"
. - It only gives you string values. Some libs will require
that eg
be a number.
Neither is a show-stopper by any means, but it's a small complication ... shared users of thousands of libraries.
2) {:system, ...}
tuples have inconsistent support
Apps that want to allow run-time configuration from Mix configs (which you could argue is 'all of them') should be configurable with lazy values, which can be filled on startup of that application, before they are used.
What should those lazy values look like? Many libraries have settled on so-called 'system tuples', like:
config :someapp,
field: {:system, "ENV_VAR_NAME", "default value"}
The downside: that approach requires every library author to recognize and support that kind of tuple.
Some big libraries do! However, it can be a pain to add support for that kind of config consistently, converting data types appropriately, for all configurable options in your app. (A small pain, spread over many libraries). This library automates that pattern.
3) Other runtime config libs use special config files and/or access methods
There are many other libs for config, most of which also deal with runtime config:
They solve a wide variety of config-related problems.
However, these all introduce their own methods for accessing Application config, and other complexity as well (mappings, config files, etc).
We avoid that, by doing a replacing walk on the app's config at startup.
'When should I REPLACE_OS_VARS?'
Always, but not always because of app config!
For injecting config, it has the limitations mentioned above in 'Rationale.'
- For config: if you need to configure many libraries that don't
support deferred config, and what you want to configure
can be a string (
, for instance) ... in that case, maybe a release-only config is a good option.
But you should probably use REPLACE_OS_VARS
), because it also
allows interpolation in vm.args
- That lets you drive node short/longnames in releases with env vars. Which can be important when eg you don't know the node IP for a release at compile-time.
- It's nice that the same approach for vm.args templating works across release builders.