Matt Lacey

Results 209 comments of Matt Lacey

> > Now I'm wondering if it's possible to just use props files that are included explicitly to avoid this issue > > Not something I've looked into doing, but...

This description makes it sound like it's an Uno Platform bug. Do these heads definitely work with a new Uno/WinUI3 template generated project? How can the reported issue be recreated?...

This should be fairly straightforward. Just need to determine what needs to be optional. Is there an issue related to the work that will necessitate this?: > generate a .NET...

**Good news**: XamlStyler does work with a symlink in the same directory as the solution file that points to the settings file in the repository root. **Bad news:** The templating...

> This could be doable, so long as it affects XAML and not any of the props or csproj files. I don't know why it would. The script in question...

I have updated the OP with current progress as I understand it. UI testing has been deferred for now and so I have removed the task for it. If/when added...

Is it appropriate to also add an option to change the language/culture? Doing so will make it easier to spot any localization issues.

> @mrlacey yeah, that's a good idea. Is that something we can dynamically change at runtime easily and get the XAML resources to update from? I'll investigate how well supported...

It'll be good to be clear about the repository within which issues and discussions should be had. I know it's a minor point and they can be moved, it's good...

> When is something a new 'feature' vs. an improvement to an existing API and how do those fit in this process? Where do those get discussed if coming from...