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legendary.nvim copied to clipboard

🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.

Results 16 legendary.nvim issues
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Neovim changed `nvim_add_user_command` to `nvim_create_user_command`, update to latest Neovim if you run into an error relating to this.


API and how it works TBD. This all depends on the resolution of this issue: https://github.com/stevearc/dressing.nvim/issues/22

help wanted

Say you already have keymaps being set up another way, you just want them to be searchable with legendary.nvim. We could load the commands, autocmds, and keymaps through the nvim...

help wanted

Theoretically we should be able to parse a Vimscript keymap in the form: ```VimL vnoremap t :DoSomethingWithLeaderT ``` and convert that into the equivalent legendary keymap table: ```lua { 't',...

help wanted

### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Description It doesn't look like this is possible, but I wonder if we can implement it...


### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Neovim Version ``` NVIM v0.9.5 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.1703358377 system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim" fall-back for...


This adds commands from nvim_get_commands and attempts to filter out non-human-friendly descriptions. Contributes https://github.com/mrjones2014/legendary.nvim/issues/259 ## How to Test 1. Please leave detailed testing instructions 1. Enable built in commands 2....

### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Description Automatically load existing keymaps via `vim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode)`. For additional context see #39


### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Description Very similiar to, but for functions: * https://github.com/mrjones2014/legendary.nvim/issues/215 Can we have the same feature for...


### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Description It just takes a simple {range = true}. And it allows us to utilize commands...

good first issue